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  • Hands on: Everything new with Photos in iOS 18

    Eireplane said:
    Have to say the new photos app is pretty bad. 
    Bring back camera roll and let the screen shots be included in camera roll also. 
    If it ain’t broke…..

    Agreed. It’s a mess. In a typical Apple fashion, majority of the changes are made just for the sake of changing things. Not for the better. Things that used to take one tap now take two. It takes more scrolling to get to what used to be “right there”. But that’s nothing new, it has been happening in mac OS for years as well. 

    What remains broken, however, are Shared Albums. Apple decided years ago that we can’t be trusted with our own metadata and strips them from photos we put in Shared Albums. For Apple products that “just work”, this is a horrible part of Photos. I hoped it would be fixed this year, since people have been complaining about this on Apple forums for years, but nooooooo. 

    Why can’t we get an option to strip metadata from photos, but let us share them if we want to? We are adults and are capable of making those decisions. I am so tired of not being able to share captions of photos with friends and family. I routinely share the same photos in different shared albums, for different sets of people. It would be great if I could write a descriptions of the photos in their captions, grab all of them and drag into shared albums. But no! This only works when doing it one by one, and only through the Share menu. So if I have 100 photos and 3 albums, what could be 3 simple tasks are now 300 individual photo share tasks, just so I don’t lose the captions,  the other option being writing Comments for 300 photos, one by one, which would be even more time consuming.

    And don’t get me started on downsizing photos in Shared albums. Why don’t we have an option to share full size pics and videos? Even if it counts against iCloud space? Arbitrary decisions like this can just drive one up the wall. 

    We’re in 2024. We don’t have  a basic feature like this, but we have a feature where AI will generate a slideshow for us. Great. What is that good for? Nothing. 