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  • FBI's iPhone unlock technique could be kept secret by White House review group

    sog35 said:
    I'm 100% okay with this.

    If the hacking method involves physical access to the phone.

    If I lose my phone or it gets stolen I can easy do device lock.

    What I'm TERRIFIED about is a hack that can be done remotely without me knowing.  Those type of hacks could be used by Russia and China or ISIS.  Those type of hacks can be done on MILLIONS of phones at the same time.  Physical hacking does not bother me because I will KNOW my phone is open to attack and I can do something about it.

    For all of those that are okay with physical access being required for hacks into the iPhone let me point out that remote locking will not nessecarily save you or your information. All one needs to do is put the phone into an EM shield bag (before the remote wipe signal is sent) and do then do the hack in an EM shielded environment (both are relatively cheap to create) and now both the phone and all of it's info can be obtained by the "bad guys".

    Fortunately (or unfortunately) most bad guys don't care about the data, but the phone itself. If they can get into the phone for the data then they can most likely get in to reset it factory conditions which can then let them sell it on eBay or some other third party source for often $500 or more (for iPhone 6 Plus). This could then result in people getting mugged again just for their iPhones (remember when police wanted passcode to lock iPhones to prevent this). This is even more of a concern now that Apple is selling many of it's iPhones without carrier lock through it's upgrade program.

    I don't know about you, but I am very concerned about any hack into an iPhone that gives control to a third party. Especially when statistics indicate that I am far more likely to be injured or killed in a mugging over an iPhone than I am by a Terrorist action or even by a remote infiltration by an oversea's gang (including the financial ramifications of having to replace the iPhone).