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  • Quote: Originally Posted by macguider Well Apple really screw it this time. A machine for $2k that doesn't work as expected. Both of mine work as advertised without flaws. Your generalization is too broad and is not substantiated in fact.
  • I'll buy one for the same reason . . . my wife told me to order one for her as soon as they were available. Quote: Originally Posted by geekdad The iPad is exactly what my wife wanted. She has an netbook but all she does is surf the web and …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by palple I only know that Apple is offering to replace the HD or the whole iMac to people with this noise problem. Here are some reports about the problems: http://www.listenupsteve.com/fixtheimac/?page=6 As regard…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by palple There are many 27" iMac for which the HD noise is not acceptable nor normal, Apple is taking care of them under warranty. This is one of the many problems that are sadly common in this last series of iMacs (scre…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Owz600 I get the exact same problem on my Imac 27inch, its brand new also i got it Saturday, It sounds exactly like a stomach rumbling, I only notice this while browsing on the internet, is there a solution? I dont fan…
  • I've been using an iMac i5 for the past two days and I must say that it is very zippy and very impressive. I also have a Mac Pro 8 core, early 2009 and this iMac is giving it a run for its money. This of course is an intuitive assessment but it is a…
  • This is unbelievable . . . has Microsoft ever had a truly original idea? Quote: Originally Posted by AppleInsider A leaked presentation has exposed Microsoft's tentative plans for its retail stores -- and the high degree to which they'l…
  • Write or email Steve and explain the problem. I complained to Jobs via email on one occasion and got exactly what I would expect from a legitimate complaint . . . complete satisfaction. Give it a try.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by NOFEER can you boot os x from that drive, or do you still need a firewire drive for backup?? No, the USB drive connected to the Airport base station will not boot. Of course you can boot an external Firewire or USB…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Messiah I've noticed that you can now attached a USB hard disk drive to the AirPort base station and share it across the network. I've also noticed that you can stil attach a printer and share it. My question is, ca…
  • I've noticed that too but it appears to me that the magnets are only used to bring down the hooks that effect the mechanical latch.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ai51240 Ouch. $199 at Crucial for a 1gb kit (2x512mb), and I just paid $270 at Ramjet for the same kit. The killer is that I won't even have the machine for another month. Yes, compared to others the Crucial price lo…
  • There's a Fed Ex hub in Indiana.
  • Quote: Originally posted by mnm2004bft Hey guys, I haven't actually ordered anything from Apple online before, but I ordered a Macbook Pro CTO on Sunday and here's my shipment tracking from Fedex. What exactly is Int'l shipment release and wh…
  • Quote: Originally posted by axc51 Thanks. Well, mine is Week 25 and so far runs perfectly. It doesn't seem to overheat (according to CoreDuoTemp) and I haven't had it crash or notice any excessive whines or noises. I have noticed a somewhat …
  • I have owned both the original MDD G4 and the MDD FW (800) and my new G5 dual is significantly quieter than either of those. I have no unusual noises, i.e "beeping", "humming" , "chirping" or any other sound other than the "woshing" sound of air be…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hddy this article says "Apple to add support for DVD+R", and that some of the g5's were shipped w/ sony's dual format dvd burners. i thought the g5's used pioneer dvd burners? does anyone know? just curious. http://…
  • Quote: Originally posted by future-ex-pc-user Hi, I've been searching for a wireless accesspoint/router for my homenetwork. It's a mixed Windows / Mac Network (at the moment they are all connected through a hub). I've found several options: - …
  • Quote: Originally posted by MacUsers How do you find out... It doesn't say in the profiler when I checked at my local Apple store Mine is identified in the system profiler under "Devices and Volumes" at the "CD-RW/DVD-R" Bus.
  • The optical drive in my G5 dual is a Pioneer DVR 106D.