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  • M3 Ultra Mac Studio rumored to debut in mid-2024 -- without a Mac Pro

    Why is everyone ignoring the M3 and M3 Pro Mac minis?
    Because they’re not in the same league as an M3 Ultra will be. Nothing wrong with the minis, they’re just not configured for the same level of work. 

    If I could find a reasonable alternative to the Studio Display, I’d get a mini which I see as a reincarnation to the first home Mac I ever bought, the Performa 400.
  • EU antitrust chief to meet with Tim Cook to discuss fines and regulation

    I always find it interesting that the EU only brings in American companies to try and regulate. The article didn't include who the "more Big Tech" companies are but I assume none of them are from the EU. It would be nice if the EU cartel of countries actually had something to offer to the world instead of simply taxing a company to make its payroll.
  • M3 Ultra Mac Studio rumored to debut in mid-2024 -- without a Mac Pro

    hypoluxa said:
    I can't see them (yet) removing the MacPro from their roster. The PCI expansion slots are a niche market for some Pro users who use them, they still have a customer market for it albeit a shrinking one.
    Could this not be addressed with a working external PCI expansion system?
    I don't see why not. I don't see it using a "standard" PCI interface although the Mac Pro uses the (almost) newest PCIe Gen4 x16 and x8 slots. I could see a much faster PCIe interface or something like an extension of the unified memory architecture to an external box allowing the might speed possible to multiple PCIe cards. I know some people want everything in one box but splitting that box into two might be a better choice for those professionals who want to tune their system to their specific needs. An M3 Ultra CPU "box" (Mac Studio) might be enough to serve as a standalone device for semi-professionals (not going to start a rant on who is semi and who is a full professional) as well as the back engine for full professionals needing high-end PCIe boards for specific tasks (animation, video, sound, movies, scientific processes requiring a supercomputer). Everything is getting smaller and working in clusters so starting with a  7.7" x 7.7" x 3.7" tiny box instead of a 8.58" x 17.7" x 20.8 behemoth weighing 37.2 lbs without any PCIe cards installed makes a huge difference in a computer/server room. I would like to see Apple offer clustering software along with the addition of one of the fastest computer interfaces ( PCIe6 x16 968-Gbps, NVLink 2.0 1.2Tbps, or even a very expensive Infinity Fabric 4.096 Tbps) would provide an amazingly fast Mac cluster capable of competing with just about any specialized, much more expensive mainframe level cluster system. Something in between would be much nicer than keeping the Mac Pro form factor.
  • DoJ's Apple App Store probe is 'firing on all cylinders'

    Developers are saying the Apple App Store is anti-competitive, not actual competitors like Microsoft or Google/Android. As way too many Apple users have said, we're purchasing Apple products because we want to, not because someone is forcing us. As for app developers, you have access to other platforms so if you don't like Apple's rules, go somewhere else. We all know that the DOJ is just a front for US government access to every Apple device. Once Apple is forced to allow other app stores, the US government will require the use of a government app to access any government website, e.g., Social Security, IRS, all tax submissions. Anyone that frequents AppleInsider knows what this means. The special government app would include hidden tracking features and a backdoor, allowing government officials (IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA) to track everything a user is accessing. This is obvious to all of us and is something they've been trying to do for years. Government users of Apple products already have this capability installed (I know this because I managed this) because all government computers of any type are owned and operated by the government so users have no privacy. This is how it should be for government and corporate users but not for private citizens.
  • How to fix System Data filling your iPhone's storage

    I used to have this problem but not anymore. Some of it is because I bought an iPhone with more storage but recent iOS system updates have appeared to reduce the amount of System Data stored on my iPhone. Applications take up way more storage than System Data, which is a little less than iOS on my phone. As you've stated, Messages can be a huge hog of System Data storage, especially for those people who constantly send images and videos. I don't do any gaming on my iPhone, which I presume can be a tremendous hog as well. One thing not mentioned in this article that really helps reduce data storage is configuring iCloud photo storage so only device-sized versions are kept on the phone while original, full resolution photos are kept on iCloud that are available at any time. My Photos library is in excess of 200GB while it only takes up less than 8GB on my iPhone.