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  • Apple will crush the DoJ in court if Garland sticks with outdated arguments

    I am not sure if the iPhone 16 features are worth waiting for or just get the 15 now. Also the next version of the Ultra watch... Should I wait for the DOJ or EU reviews on what is best choice for Apple's new products? LOL
    williamlondonssfe11radarthekath2pBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Apple will crush the DoJ in court if Garland sticks with outdated arguments

    RadMax said:
    This drama between Apple and DOJ reminds me of the scene in Monty Python’s Life of Brian movie where John Cleese’s character Reg questions “what have the Roman’s ever done for us”, and then the crowd says things like sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, etc.  It’s like the DOJ is saying “what has Apple ever done for us.”  Apple brings a lot of innovation to the table.  In a capitalist economy, that innovation is usually rewarded, not punished.

    love the Monty Python reference LOL

  • EU antitrust chief ready to get on Apple's case about fees and safety warnings

    Such policies are vindictive and clearly personal for Vestager as she portrays herself as the Joan of Arc for non competitive EU companies such as Spotify. They are hardly victims. These attacks will make EU a very unattractive place to do business, will worsen security for the average user without saving any money, and certainly will not 'up the game' for EU companies. What Vestager really wants is for successful US tech companies to leave the EU. Period.
  • Apple protests criticism that it's not complying with EU laws

    The latest that I have read is that Apple will not be allowed to notarize any app from an alternative app store. Hands off completely? Call me crazy but that sounds like the EU commission will take some responsibility for app safety. I would think, if this is true, that Apple will need to change the warranty on iPhones, to exclude coverage on phones that have installed malware that have damaged the phone or caused any security issues. Of course iPhones can be reset (in most cases if not bricked) but you would really need to trust the developer and the alternate app store. No thanks for me.
  • Apple protests criticism that it's not complying with EU laws

    The EU Commission is 'bound' to hear all complaints... thereby ensuring that they will be employed forever, as the complaints from the Ek's and Sweeney's will be just that.. forever. Frankly the bureaucracy that has become the EU is mind boggling.