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  • New iOS 14 feature prompts TikTok to end clipboard snooping

    Monstieur said:
    Apps should not be allowed to read the clipboard without prompting, unless initiated by the user through a text edit menu.
    100% agree.
  • Keyboard shortcuts could replicate function keys in upcoming iPadOS update

    I want "Forward Delete."
  • Martin Scorsese in talks with Apple TV+ to produce & distribute $200M film

    The Irishman cost ~200M? Geez. That movie was not worth that kind of money.
  • NYC schools pull the plug on Zoom following FBI warning

    sflocal said:
    What an absolute embarrassment for Zoom.  They literally were in a very coveted position in the video conferencing market and screwed it up royally.  The CEO should be fired right now.  There is absolutely no excuse to have those kind of security issues, especially when the company has been in business for as long as it has been.  

    They got comfortable and lazy.  No other way to say it.  Shame on them, shame on the CEO.
    It's not a bug, it's a feature. CCP 
  • News app Quartz removed from Chinese App Store amidst Hong Kong protests

    It’s not just Apple, but Tim Cook has made it a significant part of his tenure as CEO to espouse Apple’s “core company values” and has certainly made an effort to make his voice heard on inequality etc as he sees it in the US. For this reason alone he and Apple deserve to be singled out for how they have handled themselves with regard to China and Hong Kong. Should Tim and the board insist on dragging the company into politically charged issues in the US he should have the stones to be consistent in all countries where they do business. Otherwise he should stick to business and focus on the company and shareholders only. He’s doing a disservice to both the company and its customers around the world at the same time with his inconsistency. I say this as someone who likes that Apple speaks out on cultural issues. However, if they insist on doing so in the safety of the US they should have the strength of character to stand up for the right thing everywhere, regardless of the fallout. Apple risks being labeled as opportunistic grandstanders for only having the courage to speak out in regions where they are safe to do so.
    Their primary duty is to make a profit. If anyone is going to criticize China and have it mean something, it’ll be US leaders and lawmakers.
    Except that hasn't really been the case in the USA with Apple, has it? I'm an Apple homer, but you can't thumb your nose at the USA or get involved politically here and then bend the knee in Hong Kong without expecting major blowback. It is hypocritical at the least. GeneralBrock is spot on.