george li


george li
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  • Leaked video highlights alleged differences between 'iPhone 7' and iPhone 6s

    forgot to mention that the narrator also said  that all leaks were originated from Shenzhen, where the foxconn factories are located in China. No surprise there. 
  • Leaked video highlights alleged differences between 'iPhone 7' and iPhone 6s

    for those of you don't comprehend Chinese, here are a few tidbits from the narrator in the video that were not emphasized in the article: 

    "This is a handset model of the new iphone 7... the model is handmade... it has high resemblance to the real iPhone outer shell."  In other words, what he is showing is not the real thing, but a mockup that was handmade by presumably, some case manufacturers, for the advance production of  iPhone protective cases. 

    Also he narrator mentioned that he has heard that " case manufacturers have paid more than 100,000 Yuan ( $1500 in US dollar, to the foxconn workers I suppose) for two original iPhone 7 shells". 
  • Apple rival Samsung posts high Q2 profits on rebounding phone division

    Samsung moved up its S7 release date this past quarter, therefore the "rebound" when compared to weak last year's result. I won't be surprised that in the next few quarters, Samsung is going to have a hard time.
  • Sketchy 'iPhone 7' pricing rumor points to 'Pro' models, 32 & 256GB capacities

    The following is what's originally posted on weibo. I am a Chinese, so let me translate it word by word for you.  I found it laughable all the Apple blogs are taking it this seriously. 

    [Corrected version] According to what has been said

    32 GB version iphone 7 priced at 5288 Yuan, 64 GB version at 6088 Yuan, 256GB version priced at 7088 Yuan.  (Yuan is the unit for Chinese currency, just FYI)

    iPhone7 Plus 32GB版售价为6088元,128GB版售价为6888元,256GB版则售价7888元;
    iphone 7 plus 32 GB version priced at 6088 Yuan, 128GB version priced at 6888 yuan, 256GB priced at 7888 Yuan. 

    此外,今年苹果可能会推出iPhone7 Pro,这款新机的32GB版本售价为7088元,128GB版售价为7888元,256GB版售价为8888元。
    In addition, this year, Apple MAY introduce iphone7 Pro. For this new model, 32GB version priced at 7088 yuan, 128GB version priced at 7888 yuan, 256GB version priced at 8888 yuan.

  • Maricopa County Attorney bans employees from getting new iPhones, says Apple is 'on the side of ter

    if this gentleman's logic holds, we should stop using guns fighting the terrorists... because guns are in fact the official weapon of terrorists and criminals. Sticks and Knives for our field FBI agents and law enforcement... make sense? ugh.. dumb politicians! 