the monk


the monk
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  • Family again asks Apple TV+ movie 'The Banker' not see release

    dysamoria said:

    I’m personally very cautious about seeing anything that claims to be historical and “based on true events”, unless it’s a straight documentary. After hearing about this one, I’m even more certain of that stance with this film. 
    All movies are fiction, whether or not the source material is based on “true events” or how accurate it is. And that doesn’t bother me. It’s been said over and over again, movies like these are entertainment, not documentaries. 

    Still, if the movie’s portrayal bothers someone, they can go to Wikipedia or whatever after watching the film and see what was true and what was not. I do that all the time.

    And people’s memories of past events are always going to be different, especially if it’s the former wives versus recordings of the primary source on the film.
  • Tile to testify against Apple in House Judiciary Committee antitrust hearing [updated with...

    spice-boy said:
    I think some of you feel this in your gut but are not willing to admit it. Apple is not that exciting as it use to be, it's products and services are not that distinctive. An Apple diehard customer since 1994. 
    Not a personal comment towards spice-boy, but to me, people have gotten way too spoiled with Apple, whining about how Apple hasn’t introduced a revolutionary new product that changed the world (iPhone, iPad, Mac). 

    Well, for now, there’s just so much revolution I can take. I am sure one day Apple will introduce the VR iPhone that can project a VR, movie theatre size video screen one day, but only when we’re ready for it. Facebook didn’t understand this one.

    Sure, Tim Cook is a chain supply guy more than a Steve Jobs visionary. But he had enough vision to create several, “boring” multi-billion dollar Apple subsidiaries - AirPods, Apple Watch, and Services - to not only give what customers wanted, but answered the amateur predictions that Apple is going to tank because of the “saturated” iPhone market. Cook was already working on that problem before the pundits even brought it up.

    Also, the Apple Watch has saved lives. That’s “exciting” enough for me. And when they come out with continuous glucose monitoring, saving even more lives, I’ll celebrate this boring announcement too.
  • NBC's Peacock service debuts on July 15, subscriptions range from free to $10 a month

    Oh enough! I’m not subscribing to all these streaming services. This is not what I had in mind when “cutting the cord.” Although Disney will be okay, many of these services are going to shut down and then they’ll be begging Netflix to take back their shows. Either that, someone will find a way to put all these services under one, flat-rate plan with perhaps one app. Combine that with my HD antenna with free broadcasting on the regular idiot box, then that’s a better starting point,
  • Apple potential target of proposed bill that would limit flow of data to China

    I doubt Apple and maybe other companies really like storing data in China. As a stockholder, I don’t like it either. Yet this bill could give them a way out. Apple and other companies can tell China, “Sorry, no choice, we have to follow American law.” The bill can also be a disaster. How would China react to all these companies saying that to them? Tell them to all leave? Very possible, I don’t know. Chinese culture is really big on “face,” but the government would have a hard time telling their people they can’t have Apple or Nike or other U.S. products anymore. Interesting how this scenario would work out.
  • Spotify iOS beta gains ability to make Siri music requests

    There is still anti competition going on by Apple. 
    They should be sued for having taken years to have third parties integrate Siri into music apps - a category they blocked.

    Secondly they should be sued for the fact you still need to say “on Spotify”, because leaving it out - the “default” - is still Apple Music. 

    iOS should include an option to set the defaults for music, navigation and other categories, so that Siri can take that setting as the ‘default’.
    Apple had problems integrating Siri into its own apps as Siri feels like it’s been in beta for years. What makes you think it was ready for Spotify? Third party access to Apple features should only be granted only after Apple has time tested with users and with the code continuously rewritten. If Spotify was given access to Siri, Spotify would’ve sued Apple for giving them a product that wasn’t ready yet.