kevin kee


kevin kee
Last Active
  • First look: Mac Pro and Apple Pro Display XDR [u]

    The similar specs for the Pro XDR monitor in the market (Atomo Sumo) cost around $40,000. Yes, Atomo has more features/IO but still, Apple's $6000 is way too cheap for a 1,000 nit display. Luckily with the grated design at the back just like Mac Pro Apple should be able to avoid superheat problem.
  • The Galaxy Fold is Samsung's $1980 7.3-inch folding smartphone

    $1500 iPhone - 'Wow, Apple is greedy, super expensive, NOPE, can't afford it.'

    The same crowd...

    $2000 Samsung Galaxy - 'Wow, the best phone ever, not too expensive, understandable, I wish I could afford it, they deserve the price tag.'
  • The secret of Apple's success in selling premium tech as an affordable luxury

    davgreg said:
    Fanboy drivel.

    Google is an advertising company.  Pixel phones and Chromebooks are a dot on the balance sheet.
    Microsoft is a cloud services company. Windows on PCs is no longer the big driver of MS profitability and Office is now a subscription service agnostic to platform.
    Apple has been a hardware company that is trying to transition to a services company as there is a limit to how high you can drive the average selling price without hitting the point of demand destruction.

    Going forward Apple is counting on a growth in services and some advertising to offset the plateau in hardware sales. The question regarding Apple is can they make serious inroads selling services- an area where their record is less than stellar. What Apple makes on music rentals probably could not pay the company’s light bill. Where is Apple’s platform agnostic equal of Office? Where is their equivalent of and MS Azure? Or AWS?

    After how many years and how much money, Apple has not been able to translate almost a billion iTunes accounts to 1/10th of that for Apple Music. Is iCloud ever going to move beyond the small potatoes it currently serves? Even Apple uses Amazon to host iCloud.

    The Apple I invested in years ago was a very different company from the elephant Tim Cook has created that has a lot of tail and not much tooth. The rent is paid by things inherited from Steve Jobs tenure and innovation has been largely replaced by iteration and imitation that makes the company look increasingly like Microsoft under Steve Ballmer.

    So who is Apple’s Satya Nadella?
    Writing in bold does not make your story believable. Trust me, I tried.
    king editor the gratemacseekerdedgeckodoozydozenchristopher126StrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Even with all the improvements to the iPad Pro, it still can't replace my Mac yet

    Personally I am not in delusion to replace my Mac with an iPad Pro. I have iMac and Macbook Pro, but they are getting used less and less, not because iPad Pro replace them, but because I have no reason to use them beyond what I need. Secondly, I simply love working with iPad Pro because it's just so simple and pleasure to use. Like majority of users, I am not interested in tinkering with file systems or develop a software. I do write a blog, editing photos and design a website which iPad Pro are completely able to do. As for the flow, I use Files extensively. All my files neatly organised in iCloud, I have access to all of them from the Apps I use. Drag and drop in iOS multitasking works flawlessly. I also love the portability. Bringing all my engineering drawings anywhere within my iPad is so efficient. Zooming and panning are never so easy with paperless system. So yeah, I will keep my Mac, but I find myself use iPad Pro more and more everyday.
  • Tidbits you might have missed about Apple's big September announcements

    iqatedo said:
    Cannot recall - was the move to 7 nm predicted? Astounding tech, well done Apple.
    Yes, you can read it here:

    Oh nvm, misunderstood your question. Not sure if it was predicted but Huawei announced they are are going for 7nm, and since Huawei and Apple use TSMC, it's kinda known.