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  • Facebook reportedly fined $5B over Cambridge Analytica fiasco

    JWSC said:
    Even for Facebook, that’s gotta hurt.
    You are kidding mate .. Facebook's revenue for the first quarter of this year was $US15.1 billion.
  • OpenID Foundation says 'Sign in with Apple' has critical gaps, urges changes

    mac_dog said:
    rob53 said:
    I'm sure Apple and developers will find most of the issues before its released. Comparing Apple's implementation to Google and Facebook logons is like comparing a locked door to an open one. OpenID can complain all they want but lets hear their assessment about logging in with Facebook and Google. I highly doubt Apple will be logging any personal data and will not be selling anything while Facebook and Google are guaranteed to be selling everything they get.
    It’s foolish to pin all your hopes on Apple “finding the issues”. Apple should pay attention and start with those issues—unless they are the wiser. 

    And, quite frankly, I couldn’t care less how Facebook and google are conducting their business. I just care that Apple gets it right. 
    You’re making the curious assumption that OpenID is correct in their analysis or that their goals are Apple’s goals. 

    Just because someone says Apple is doing it wrong doesn’t mean they are. 
    @mac_dog isn't assuming anything. Just 2 sentences that state the bleeding obvious.
  • Australian teen hacker escapes jail term for accessing Apple's corporate network

    mcdave said:
    Hey everyone, crime’s OK in Australia!
    Yeah .. we have a mass shooting event at least once a fortnight.
  • iPhone takes arrow intended for owner in Australian attack

    BxBorn said:
    Clearly Australia needs better Bow and Arrow control laws...
    I guess it’s funny to joke about thousands of senseless deaths? 39,773 gun deaths in USA in 2017. That’s 4.54 people, every hour of every day of the year. I’m embarrassed for you. 
    Australia had the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 in which 35 people were killed (23 wounded) by a retard armed with a high powered semi-auto rifle.  In the wash up, federal politicians across the political spectrum legislated to tightly restrict the availability of rifles / guns.  Since that day in 1996 there has not been a single massacre in Australia (23 years).
  • Customers' 'Dear Tim' emails have big impact within Apple

    lkrupp said:
    I believe the Apple Watch & Apples similar health initiatives will help America & the whole world in general. Thats why I utterly hate that countries like India, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh,Argentina & european countries put up tariffs as high as 50% on Apple products.
    I think the time is coming when companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google are going to have to decide whether they are American companies or not. There’s an article out there now about a bunch of Microsoft employees around the world demanding the company end its contract with the U.S. Department of Defense. They say they don’t want to work on weapons for the U.S. military. It has to do with Microsoft’s HoloLens product being adapted for military use. So is Microsoft an American company or not? And if they don’t see themselves as American companies then why should they be protected by America’s government and laws? What if Microsoft had entered into a similar contract with Russia or China’s military? I despise globalization and the one world government some are clamoring for. 
    You didn't quote your source, anyhow a quick Internet search and the article source is below:

    Microsoft employees protest US Army contract

    Excerpt from that article "A group of more than 50 Microsoft employees have signed on to a letter protesting the company's $479 million technology contract with the U.S. Army, saying Microsoft is providing the military with tools "designed to help people kill."

    Approximately 50 Microsoft employees out of 134944 total is 0.04%.
    Nowhere does the article mention around 'around the world'.
