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  • Computing would be totally different had Apple not been formed 48 years ago, today

    benji888 said:
    It was Apple Computer Inc. until iPod and music became popular, then, sometime before the iPhone it became Apple corporation and they changed the logo from rainbow to solid, they dropped Computer from the name when marketing focus moved off computers. ...the article refers to Apple corporation when it was Apple Computer Inc.
    Very few young people today even own what they would refer to as a “computer,” i.e. a traditional desktop PC with a monitor and a tower. Of course they have a computer in their pocket and perhaps on their wrist, and they may carry a notebook or tablet around as I do, but that’s not how those devices are generally referred to except by older people.

    To them, these devices are as natural as shoes, and their flexibility in adapting to what the user wants them to do is a far cry from the early days of home computing, where the limitations of the machine and the sophistication required to control it defined what you could do with it.

    The internet becoming a mainstream concept changed all of that. If Apple had stuck to strictly producing “computers,” they’d be gone by now.
  • If you have an iPhone with AT&T, there's a good chance your info has been stolen

    The worst part of all this is that the data was stolen **in 2021** and reported on at the time here. AT&T staunchly denied the data had come from them ever since, and they are still claiming no breach now -- they've just finally owned up that the data does match their current and former records.

    As mentioned above, a massive class-action lawsuit for both the breach AND their irresponsible behaviour afterwards might get them to reform their practices. It's shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted, but may prevent future large-scale data breaches.

    In the meantime, take your business elsewhere if possible. And tell AT&T why you are doing that.
  • Car thieves in Canada are using AirTags to track victims' vehicles

    Draco said:
    I'll bet my next paycheck these criminals are not native born Canadians. 

    Enjoy your immigration, and remember, diversity is your strength. 
    I’m impressed that you can type that accurately wearing your white hood.
  • Why Apple Vision Pro could evolve similarly to the Apple Watch

    twolf2919 said:
    I still don't know how the AVP is supposed to be similar to the AW.
    You should probably try re-reading the headline. It’s about how the product will EVOLVE similarly to the Apple Watch, not how it is SIMILAR to an Apple Watch. Words mean things.

    The word “evolve” in this case refers to the development stages. This is a product that, when it first came out, really pushed the industry forward in a new way that was interesting to the public, but had some shortcomings that pretty much anyone paying attention could recognise. It was called — wait for it — the Apple Watch.

    It took a year and a half for Apple to address those initial concerns, but it did with the next versions — a similarly priced model and a cheaper model — and then continued to iterate on it in subsequent versions.

    This is likely the same path the AVP will take. In the article, the possibility of a  second product in the line that is cheaper, less full-featured but lighter — is conjectured for the next major revision. Just as what happened with the Apple Watch with the Series 1 and 2.

    Hope that clears things up for you.
  • Future Apple Vision Pro may get Bob Ross-style virtual painting tools

    I must start perma-frizzing my hair IMMEDIATELY!