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  • Apple sticking to family-friendly video efforts to avoid offense from viewers

    1. Disney has shown, not just nipples, but, no shit, full-frontal nudity in one of their movies. a. What's the title of the movie. b. What's the name of the actress in question? 2. In the immortal (paraphrased) words of Robin WIlliams: "You have to remember that America was founded by the Puritans - people so uptight that even the Brits couldn't stand them and kicked them out."
  • Senate draft bill requires companies extract, decrypt data for law enforcement

    If there were awards for irony in titles, the "Senate Intelligence Committee" would win top honors every year. Also, if brains were C-4, Feinstein and Burr couldn't blow their own noses.
  • Apple hires away Amazon exec to head up corporate digital security, report says

    FBI director James Comey's aggressive authoritarian attacks against Apple and other tech companies since taking the job in 2013 has done incalculable damage to the FBI's reputation. Making it almost impossible for any CEO to trust, much less want to "cooperate" with the FBI going forward. This is bad for the FBI and bad for the country. Frankly, I think Comey should resign.
    Perhaps Comey's recent trip to China was just a job search. He's looking for a position in a country with a more congruent stance on the balance of state vs. individual control.
  • Tim Cook says he's 'offended' by government smears in latest Time cover story

    When Apple filed its most recent brief, defending our personal privacy and security, James Comey was in Chine, meeting with its top cop. Is there any possible way the contrast could be more stark?
  • Take a stand against the Obama/FBI anti-encryption charm offensive

    Anytime you hear someone claim Apple is interfering with the FBI, which is only trying to get valuable intelligence from the phone, ask them if they have a work mobile phone as well as a personal one. Ask them if they put any valuable personal information on their work phone, like the phone numbers of their fellow terrorists and plans for their next attack, or do they keep that information on their personal phone. As the husband of one of the victims wrote in his support for Apple, everyone, including his wife, who has a work phone from San Bernardino knew not to keep ANY personal info on their work phones. The Feebs expect, apparently with some success, that very few people have the slightest capacity for critical thought, and that all they have to do is use the magic incantation "TERRORISM" and everybody will lose their minds.
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