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  • New macOS Sonoma 14.4 bug kills file versions in iCloud Drive

    Is Apple turning into Boeing?
  • Special iPadOS 17 version for bigger screens rumor makes no sense

    Maybe this would be a Good Time for the MacPad Pro with a Mega Sized Screen for Artists who use the Wacom 24”+ Tablets and Runs a Seamless Combo of BOTH MacOS and iPadOS!

    Run the FULL Versions of Creative Cloud Apps,
    3D Rendering Apps and CAD Apps!

    They could also sell a Flush-Mounted Lazy Susan (LZ) Turntable/Work Station with Variable Angle and Elevation, using a type of Mac Studio Monitor Swing Arm. No Table Needed. Just the LZ in the Middle with enough Fixed Surround to rest your Elbow and Forearms in any Position. Make the Docking area and Arm Rest out of Aluminum for a Giant Heat Sink. 

    Build a Wireless/MagSafe Connector for Power AND Data that allows unlimited Rotation in either Direction when Docked to the LZ. Use a MacStudio for Connection to Additional Monitors.

    It could even be a True Flat Edge-to-Edge Display. No Camera needed. If necessary, have it on one of the Monitors. 

    MacPad Pro - Just for Artists!
  • New EU rules would force Apple to open up iMessage

    Let the EU Build their Own Phone, Operating System, Messaging System and Communications Network!

    They already do that for Combat Aircraft  .  .  .  oh, yeah, they have the French, British and Italians building different or ordering different (American) Aircraft and Systems. 

    Don’t think Lockheed and Boeing are going to turn over their Software Code to the EU.  And I don’t expect Airbus to giveaway their Proprietary Secrets to the US, in Military or Commercial Products.  

    At least the Israeli’s do their own Research and Modifications to make their aircraft viable for their purposes.  
  • Inside Apple's Singapore Marina Bay Sands retail store

    JP234 said:
    aijws said:
    Boomer appears be my age and I too delivered the Chicago Papers (in Michigan) when I was young. 

    Stocks go Up and Down. That’s where you make your money. If you really wanted to make money off Apple, you should have (maybe you did) bought Apple when it was at $10 a Share. 

    I had a Chance, but decided not to (and you can all thank me) as I bought Commodore, which made the Amiga. As you may know, Commodore was scammed by the higher-ups and went Bankrupt.

    The reason I didn't buy Apple is, I didn’t want to Jinx and Bankrupt my only other alternative to Windows.  And, at the time, Apple was teetering on the Brink too!  So, your Welcome!  I sacrificed Millions so you all could have an Insanely Great Computer and other Products. No Dividend needed. The only reason for Stock in the First Place, in Silicon Valley, is to entice Workers (Engineers and Managers) to Join the Company. 

    As far as the Sphere goes, it doesn’t look like a True Sphere to me. It has several Latitudes of Flat Curved Panels. The Ground Floor seems to imitate Apple Park with its Curved Glass and Sun Shades, but the Upper Panels look like they cheapened-out.  There was a chance to do some really Innovative Vertically and Horizontally Compound Curved Panels for a Seamless (from a Distance) True Sphere that would have been on Par in Design and Construction with the Space Ship in Cupertino!    
    Well congrats for living so long. I bought Apple Shares when Jobs was rehired as "temporary" CEO. I bought Microsoft even earlier, when I saw a Windows 3 demonstration at the local Elek-Tek store, and thought "this is the future!" Still own both, and with splits, growth and reinvested dividends, I've become more affluent in my declining years than I could have dreamed when I was delivering the papers 7 days a week on my bike (in Chicago in January!). I don't use Windows, but I sure know plenty of people who do!
    Thank You for your Service. 

    Glad you could use your Bike on the Paper Route. With the Snow, it was just easier for me to walk the route from Door Step to Door Step,
    although they didn’t appreciate that in the Summer, trampling their Greens. Amazing how much Snow we lived through back then and now a “Bomb” Cyclone is like Armageddon. Lived in Chicago for a bit and remember walking a few Blocks to the Laundromat and almost having Frost Bite on my thighs with the 60 Below Wind Chill. All because my car was Frozen in Place when the Snow Plows buried it under a mountain of Slush. 

    My main reason for commenting was due to the Architectural Decisions Apple used on the Store. I don’t think Steve Jobs would have approved such a Concept without considering every Minor Detail, and that includes the lack of Precision in the Shape of the Sphere. 

    When he did a Cube, he did a Cube. 

    When he did a Cylinder, he did a Cylinder. 

    If he was going To do a Sphere, he’d do a Sphere. 
  • Inside Apple's Singapore Marina Bay Sands retail store

    Boomer appears be my age and I too delivered the Chicago Papers (in Michigan) when I was young. 

    Stocks go Up and Down. That’s where you make your money. If you really wanted to make money off Apple, you should have (maybe you did) bought Apple when it was at $10 a Share. 

    I had a Chance, but decided not to (and you can all thank me) as I bought Commodore, which made the Amiga. As you may know, Commodore was scammed by the higher-ups and went Bankrupt.

    The reason I didn't buy Apple is, I didn’t want to Jinx and Bankrupt my only other alternative to Windows.  And, at the time, Apple was teetering on the Brink too!  So, your Welcome!  I sacrificed Millions so you all could have an Insanely Great Computer and other Products. No Dividend needed. The only reason for Stock in the First Place, in Silicon Valley, is to entice Workers (Engineers and Managers) to Join the Company. 

    As far as the Sphere goes, it doesn’t look like a True Sphere to me. It has several Latitudes of Flat Curved Panels. The Ground Floor seems to imitate Apple Park with its Curved Glass and Sun Shades, but the Upper Panels look like they cheapened-out.  There was a chance to do some really Innovative Vertically and Horizontally Compound Curved Panels for a Seamless (from a Distance) True Sphere that would have been on Par in Design and Construction with the Space Ship in Cupertino!    