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  • Apple confirms that there is no Apple Silicon 27-inch iMac in the works

    I think a lot of us waited for a 27” version but Apple seems to do less and less what people want and more and more what Apple want. Sad development and an equation that won’t turn out well in some years if it continues.
  • Apple suffers fourth consecutive quarter of declining sales, beat Wall Street anyway

    I like Apple but they are not always making it easy to do so anymore. I miss the feeling that was kind of "it is us users and Apple together". Now it is more "it is us customers and Apple on the other side profiting on us". Of course Apple is a company and it is interested in making profits, it was of course like that earlier on too but this feeling of being profited on is quite obvious now, more than it used to be. Apple was also doing things that made you think "Wow, this works so much better than the average solution" or "Why didn't anyone think of this smart feature before" but it is getting more and more into "Why did Apple make it this way, it is so user unfriendly". I never understood those IT guys at some companies complaining about Apple and Mac OS. But nowadays I understand them more since I heard that they don't always get the best info to adjust their systems (containing some Mac users) before Apple changes some technologies drastically that mess things upp. I don't know if Microsoft do that better but it seems so. I still like Apple though, but please listen more to your customers even if you think you have a smarter solution or at least explain more why some features is so much better from your opinion. And, yes - lower the prices. I know very well the importance of pricing on perceived value and as a marketing tool. But has it not got a bit too far? No need to "make the best products" if people can't afford them and if companies choose to have non Mac policies partly because of the price (and the non communication as I got it). Think different!
    avon b7
  • iPhone SE 4 detailed in new anonymous leak

    Please make it the size of iPhone 13 Mini (or even better the same size as the first iPhone SE) and make it optional to use Deep Fusion.
  • Apple considering 2025 debut of touchscreen MacBook Pro

    Apple sadly seems to become a company far from the company it was when Steve Jobs lived...
  • Zuckerberg thinks Apple is making aggressive moves now to control the metaverse

    blastdoor said:
    opinion said:
    Please Apple don´t go into this VR nonsense, keep making insanely great products for humanity instead. Let Meta and Zuckerberg loose money on it meanwhile so that they goes bankrupt in the end. A great win for humanity!
    I don’t have enough experience with VR to know whether it’s nonsense. I suspect it has value, but don’t know enough to be sure.

    I know enough about Meta/Facebook/Zuck to be confident that their implementation of VR will be malignant.

    also — I believe if there is value in VR, Apple can find it. 
    I just have a hard time seeing the value for humanity in VR. I guess we are in a backlash already as it is with all this malignant technology that is not used to enrich peoples lives, just to enrich corporations.