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  • After 11 years of work, people actually like Apple Maps

    barthrh said:
    I find Apple Maps dangerous. Here's why: You're driving along with them on CarPlay and you come up to a complex intersection. The map zooms in and it looks so mind-blowingly amazing I find it hard to keep my eyes on the real road. The renderings, down to the complex markings at some intersections, are just so nice.
    In this scenario it sounds like you’re the danger on the road. 
  • Spotify still dominant music streaming service in the US

    Spotify still the biggest whiner in the US
  • Bizarre Google 'Best Phones Forever' ads poke fun at iPhone

    I was fast forwarding trying to find the part where the Pixel begs the iPhone to include RCS in iMessage.  Never found it. 
  • As you may expect, the internet already says that Apple's headset is doomed, apparently

    twolf2919 said:
    Price is THE decider on whether this headset will be a success.  This author - and others who’ve made the same point that Apple has had supposed failures many times before turn into successes - doesn’t seem to realize this.  When has Apple *ever* introduced a completely new product category at an initial price point of $3k?  Maybe the original Apple 2 (adjusted for inflation) - but nothing since then.   Sure, there are several niche “pro” products in THS range and beyond, but nothing with hoped for mass market appeal.  And  Apple clearly wants this to eventually become the next iPhone.  And I think the AR glasses originally promised for this timeframe had/has this potential - but not some dorky headset costing as much as a used car.
    Your assumption is that everyone views the value of $3k through your lens. Apple’s products are generally the most expensive across all categories, and they’re also best sellers across many of those categories. If you give people that Apple experience as other products have, plenty of them will spend $3k. 
    9secondkox2radarthekattmayBart Y
  • Apple Savings customers hit with long delays when withdrawing money

    JP234 said:
    This is what happens when folks place their faith in Goldman Sachs because GS paid Apple big money to put the Apple imprimatur on it. Any company who would hire that Ayn Rand stooge Steve Mnuchin to be CEO does not deserve your trust.
    My god is this asinine. This is standard procedure for withdrawals made within a certain period of opening a new account. Try with any bank and see what happens. 