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  • Apple's dominance means it needs stricter controls, says Germany's antitrust regulator

    In all of these initiatives in the EU they always throw out that they want to protect competition, but rarely do they talk about the consumer.  How about asking us if we want the EU sticking their nose in the way Apple operates?  Clearly consumers have spoken with their wallets and they like the way Apple does things.  
  • Apple Music trademark blocked over branding conflict with musician

    DAalseth said:
    This is a good judgement. Just because Apple is called Apple doesn’t give them rights to every use of the word. In this case Apple has no product called Apple Jazz and Bertini is not trying to act like he is affiliated with Apple. If there is confusion, well that’s the way it is.   For that matter there is a Jazz Apple, the fruit, that is patented and the name trademarked. Apple couldn’t go after them either.
    Yeah it's a good judgement if you support copyright squatters.
  • GM ditching CarPlay & Android Auto for Google-built infotainment system

    M68000 said:
    I’m amazed at how important the phone interface with a vehicle is to many of you.   It’s laughable to me that it is a deciding factor to buying a vehicle or not.  Perhaps many of us have become too dependent and even addicted to our phones.
    It's laughable that you think this is just about a "phone inerface".
  • GM ditching CarPlay & Android Auto for Google-built infotainment system

    Wow.  Dick move, GM.  Greed is still clearly alive and well at a certain GM HQ.  You want to make a new interface that's better, fine, do it.  Don't charge people for your closed ecosystem that we already know will be inferior.  Sorry, gotta go, someone calling me on my flip phone.  Assholes.
    I don’t particularly like GM but it is no different than what Apple does with the iPhone. The vehicle is the car manufacturer’s platform and they want to control and profit from the whole experience.
    You are absolutely correct.  This is a free market and GM is absolutely entitled to sabotage their own product.
  • GM ditching CarPlay & Android Auto for Google-built infotainment system

    illrigger said:
    That's Volvo/Polestar, Nissan/Mitsubishi/Renault, GM, Ford/Lincoln, Honda/Acura, VW Group, and now Chevrolet that are all-in on Android Automotive, with several others using it as their base without the Google services.

    It's not shocking, it's all about money. Apple's Carplay integration requires the carmakers to still develop a local OS and GUI for those who don't have an iPhone, and presumably they have to pay Apple some licensing fees on top. Android Automotive *is* the operating system so no external reliance needs to be assumed, and presumably Google is both aiding in integration and probably covering part of the costs. In the end, automakers get a cohesive car OS that has top-notch navigation and all the apps people want, and Google does all the work for them.

    In a day when the software that runs the car is as important if not more so as the hardware, anything that makes the job easier and cheaper for carmakers is going to get their money. Apple dropped the ball here by focusing on making people need to buy more of their products instead of working with the automakers to give them what they need, and Google has been more than happy to pick it up and run it home.
    First of all it's definitely not about money and definitely all about collecting data. If it was about money why not just have blank screen that will work with whatever smartphone OS you plug into it?  There goes the cost of developing a complicated local OS and GUI.