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  • iOS 16 beta 5 returns battery percentage to the status bar

    darkvader said:
    Absolutely insane that it took this long.
    Absolutely insane that an adult wouldn't understand appropriate usage for "absolutely insane".
  • Android amps up campaign to push Apple into adopting RCS

    i-john said:
    JP234 said:
    Note to Android: Put on your big boy pants and develop a platform people want. Give up the doomed attempt to get Apple to cram your flaws into iOS.
    Android are using an industry standard that all carriers use.  It's Apple that are being proprietary, refuse to provide access to the iMessage platform and are refusing to adopt the current industry standard in messaging. 
    Please stop spreading this bullshit. If RCS was a standard for all carriers then SMS would've disappeared a long time ago. Additionally, the version of RCS that Google is pushing is their proprietary fork of RCS, so the opposite of "standard".
    entropysBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Android amps up campaign to push Apple into adopting RCS

    chasm said:
    Avon B7 (presumably reading from the comfort of the Liberator) is right. WhatsApp is the real concern. Apple needs to upgrade iMessage to a multi-platform, worldwide messaging app.

    No they don't.  Why do they need to do this?  iPhone ownership is rising while all other OEMs are reporting declining sales.  Why in the world would they risk a winning strategy?
  • Android amps up campaign to push Apple into adopting RCS

    Read the comments in the article from RCS users. Sounds like a little bit of a $h!tshow that's validating Apple's position.
    williamlondonlolliverJP234Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Russia tried to hijack some of Apple's internet traffic for 12 hours

    DAalseth said:
    Apple needs to sever all ties with Russia. Cut them off cold to updates, services, iCloud, AppleMusic, everything. Flip the switch without warning. You live in Russia your device is bricked and you are SOL. I know that Apple keeps talking about trying to protect their customers. It's too late for that. Until the general populace starts feeling the pain from Putin's war they won't put an end to it. Remember, that's what brought down the Tzar. The people get fed up with paying in blood and treasure for the Tzar's adventure in WWI. It's time for another revolution and Apple needs to step up and do their part.
    I don’t think Apple should be doing business in Russia either, but you’re living in fantasy land if you think that “the general populace” will have anything to do with Putin’s exit.
    I agree but probably not for the reasons you think.  The general populace of Russia are more than happy to follow a strong-armed dictator; it's in their blood going back to the Kievan Rus.  In this regard they are really worse off than slaves, because at least slaves hope for freedom.