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  • Apple & Google told to remove 'Play to Earn' games by South Korea

    Ban Roblox in the USA as well. It's a huge scam that lures kids into being slaves for the company. There are some great videos about how the scam works on YouTube.
    Hey Apple, while you are busy keeping kids from seeing things they shouldn't how about keeping them safe from companies that try to lure them into pyramid scams?
    Or, you know, get parents to do their jobs. 
  • New Eve Room air quality monitor with Thread support debuts

    tjwolf said:
    I guess other than humidity, VOC levels or temperature wouldn't  lend lend themselves to automation (at least not in a house that already has central heating/AC)?

    Actually I can see a good reason for VOC automation...turning your air purifier on or off.
  • Intel looking to 'avoid fighting' with Apple for TSMC's 3nm chip production

    Picture you're TSMC.

    Apple has been using TSMC to produce their Apple Silicon chips for the better part of a decade. They help finance development of new cutting edge nodes, and have been a critical partner in TSMC's advancement and evolution into the world's best (and possibly largest) fab.

    At first, TSMC was reluctant to take on Apple's business because they didn't want to put so many of their eggs into such a large basket, but eventually the two got together and have been working with each other ever since. Apple likes doing business with TSMC because they not a competitor, and their IP won't accidentally leak into some other subdivision's competing products.

    Now, along comes this new Johnny-Come-Lately with a fist full of dollars and wants you to produce their CPUs while they're upgrading their own fab to more modern standards.

    Do you go with with Intel for the fast cash grab, of stick with the partner who's been working with you all this time?

    Of course, when Intel gets their own fabs up to snuff, you know you'll suffer the double whammy of losing not only the business of fabricating Intel CPUs, but Intel will then try to take as many of your other customers as they can.

    What's a body to do ... ?
    If you think that TSMC will in any way even consider risking their business relationship with Apple, you're nuts.
  • Apple defeats developers seeking $200 billion over App Store 'tyrannical greed'

    crowley said:
    mac_dog said:
    crowley said:
    I'm not decided either way on the issue, I think Apple play a pretty mean hand and could do with a bit of a slap on the wrist…

    Talk about fan fiction. In what sector of Global corporate business is it illegal (requiring ANY form of correction or discipline) to be “mean.” The logic is astounding. 
    Not what I said at all, but congratulations on throwing a bit of fanboy hyperbole to counterbalance the whining developers.  Not even slightly necessary.
    "Somebody made a point I didn't like so they must a fanboy." - Crowley
  • Tesla selling $50 Cyberwhistle, Musk mocks $19 Apple polishing cloth

    Poking fun maybe. Mocking? No. Headlines don't have to be so dramatic. Calm down writers.
    I mean Musk is definitely a first class a$$hole, but I agree with you on this. 