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  • Apple is working on at least two folding iPhone prototypes

    wallym said:
    My engineering brain says that the hinged area is always going to be a problem.  A buddy has a samsung fold something.  He loves it, but I never can get any info from him regarding what it does that is special.  He is in the "anybody but apple" ideology.

    I always question if the world will buy a more expensive iPhone, and each year I am proven wrong, so I'll bet that there is someone out there that will buy it in quantity.  I bought a top of the line iPhone 15 pro max, so I know I am one of the suckers.
    These are definitely solutions looking for a problem. Recently I was on a commute standing next to someone using one of the Samsung clam shells, and this person kept folding and unfolding the phone every 10 seconds to check whatever they were looking at.  Seems like a step down in functionality to me. 
  • 'Strong action' is coming if the EU doesn't like Apple's App Store concessions

    lam92103 said:
    Even the Vision Pro just seems like a greedy cash grab.
    Breaking news: tech company releases a product to make cash. 

    These takes get dumber by the day. 
  • Apple Vision Pro is already a win for Apple & consumers

    After the Apple Watch came out I remember seeing articles up to two years later proclaiming it a flop. Not everything is an overnight success, including the iPhone. 
    ny_enthusiastradarthekatthtbadmonkgregoriusm9secondkox2danoxjwdawsoAlex1NBart Y
  • Apple Pay NFC hardware getting opened up to EU financial and banking app developers

    If this is truly about the consumer, then those same institutions should allow consumers to choose whether they want to use Apple Pay or their apps. So for example if Walmart wants access to NFC for Walmart Pay, then it has to turn on Apple Pay at all their terminals.

    Let’s see how “pro-consumer” these companies really are.
  • Epic's Tim Sweeney is mad about Apple's EU App Store concessions

    sdw2001 said:
    Malicious Compliance? Welcome to what companies do.  Apple is not going to just sit back and make less money.  
    And as a shareholder I am very happy they’re not just sitting back and allowing those EU geriatrics to negatively, and purposefully, manipulate their bottom line. 
    Bart Ywatto_cobra