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  • Apple TV+ subscriptions flat despite COVID-19 quarantine, increased demand for originals

    Typical corporate shareholder BS. Always need to be expanding, increasing sales (not a bad thing except when companies go outside of their specialty), trending upward, bigger quotas, yadda yadda, etc. How about Apple just focus on good hardware and software? Apple is not a movie or music studio. You can only expand so much until you’re a jack of all
    trades and a master of one. Knock it off already and partner with the people that actually know what they’re doing in their respective spaces. Of course, as I’m writing this Apple is actually working on a car. Good grief. 
  • Britain's NHS rejects the Apple & Google COVID-19 exposure notification technology

    According to BBC News, the system by NHSX, the technology advisory group of the National Health Service, will work via Bluetooth. It will log when any two devices are close enough together for longer than an unspecified amount of time, and relay that information to the central database.

    "Engineers have met several core challenges for the app to meet public health needs," an NHSX spokeswoman told the BBC, "and support detection of contact events sufficiently well, including when the app is in the background, without excessively affecting battery life."

    In comparison, Apple and Google's technology will allow for contact tracing to take place without an app having to launch or wake. For privacy reasons, the American technology firms also plan to conduct the actual contact tracing on each individual's device, so that data is not passed back to any one company's servers. [...]

    France continues to prefer its own proposed system, and has asked Apple to alter iOS's restrictions on apps running in the background, in order for its app to work properly. "[Our] privacy principles are not going to change," responded Gary Davis, Apple's global director of privacy. "They are fundamental privacy principles that are needed to make this work."
    "Yeaaahh. If you could just go ahead and leave the software development to software companies, that'd be greeaaat..."

    Seriously, why would these government shops think they can do privacy-protecting software better than Apple, who also happens to be the platform owner? Its solution is guaranteed to be better. Thankfully Germany has seen the light and gotten on board.
    They can’t do privacy better. That’s the point. The fearful public will elect for this thinking, ignorantly, that the government has their best interest at heart and then when a new party or people are in charge that wish to expand its use for more nefarious motives, they will. This virus is the perfect opening all governments have been waiting for to infringe in our rights. Not that the British or other Europeans really ever had rights, but you get the point. 

    It’s kind of the same thing when we passed the Patriot Act after 9/11. Everyone was fearful and wanted something done. All that got us was spying on Americans under Bush and expanded on under Obama. If people think that won’t happen here, then they’re fools. 
  • Britain's NHS rejects the Apple & Google COVID-19 exposure notification technology

    According to BBC News, the system by NHSX, the technology advisory group of the National Health Service, will work via Bluetooth. It will log when any two devices are close enough together for longer than an unspecified amount of time, and relay that information to the central database.

    "Engineers have met several core challenges for the app to meet public health needs," an NHSX spokeswoman told the BBC, "and support detection of contact events sufficiently well, including when the app is in the background, without excessively affecting battery life."

    In comparison, Apple and Google's technology will allow for contact tracing to take place without an app having to launch or wake. For privacy reasons, the American technology firms also plan to conduct the actual contact tracing on each individual's device, so that data is not passed back to any one company's servers. [...]

    France continues to prefer its own proposed system, and has asked Apple to alter iOS's restrictions on apps running in the background, in order for its app to work properly. "[Our] privacy principles are not going to change," responded Gary Davis, Apple's global director of privacy. "They are fundamental privacy principles that are needed to make this work."
    "Yeaaahh. If you could just go ahead and leave the software development to software companies, that'd be greeaaat..."

    Seriously, why would these government shops think they can do privacy-protecting software better than Apple, who also happens to be the platform owner? Its solution is guaranteed to be better. Thankfully Germany has seen the light and gotten on board.
    They can’t do privacy better. That’s the point. The fearful public will elect for this thinking, ignorantly, that the government has their best interest at heart and then when a new party or people are in charge that wish to expand its use for more nefarious motives, they will. This virus is the perfect opening all governments have been waiting for to infringe in our rights. Not that the British or other Europeans really ever had rights, but you get the point. 

    It’s kind of the same thing when we passed the Patriot Act after 9/11. Everyone was fearful and wanted something done. All that got us was spying on Americans under Bush and expanded on under Obama. If people think that won’t happen here, then they’re fools. 
  • Apple, Google in a 'standoff' with Germany and France over contact tracing privacy

    mcdave said:
    COVID is the perfect strawman for full public surveillance.
    Turning out to be that way. People are giving into fear and actually believe something can be done to prevent this in the future. Also, people are mostly cowards and would rather sacrifice everyone else’s freedoms for some perceived security. These politicians have also forgotten that they are nothing but public servants. They are showing their true colors at the moment as nothing but power hungry tyrants. Of course Europeans are used to it and kind of expect to be ruled over since, what, the Middle Ages?
  • France asks Apple to disable iOS security feature for national contact tracing app

    THIS is why I will never opt in. Our information will most certainly be abused by bad actors and the government. Once you cede even a little bit of privacy, the government will just want more. 