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  • Microsoft 365 fully absorbing long-time Office branding

    ilarynx said:
    Has anyone had any experience with purchasing MS Office via AppleInsider/StackCommerce ( https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/19/flash-deal-get-microsoft-office-for-mac-home-business-2021-for-3999-88-off )? 

    It seems like a good deal, maybe too good. In the process of the purchase, I'm shown a "Claim My Code" button with a warning that no refunds are available after clicking the button. Do I use this claim code to then go to the MS site to download? It's not spelled out at all on the site. 

    Anyone been through this before? A good deal? Not? 
    I've bought it several times for different machines. So have family and friends. It works, but MS won't let you turn  off the snoopware
    "monitor for product improvement" I disable all I can. Don't install autoupdate and logoff 365 once activated.

    I tried the MS free machine, mostly I succeeded. But had to crack a bit to help someone else.

    Numbers is a poor substitute for excel, but I suffer through almost all of my usage to, mostly, avoid MS. 
  • Preorders for iPhone 14, AirPods Pro 2 have started

    smooth order. store came up about 4 after
    prepped pre-order yesterday, worked quickly with a few clicks to confirm
    apple pay on Mac
    unlocked 14 pro gold 1TB delivers 9/16  :#
    A good experience
  • Logitech Option+ settings app & driver will support Apple Silicon

    Review: IMHO
    I have no relation, other than satisfied customer.

    I've used mouse customization software Steermouse for years. 
    Initial license is $19.99, but updates have been free for years. A single license works on multiple machines.

    It lets me customize buttons on my mouse and tune other settings. It is able to have by app settings.
    It has worked on many different mice, including Logitech's MX Master 3, and many Apple Macs, including the M1.
    I much prefer it over Logitech's mediocre stuff. A good clean interface. It's an essential tool for me.

    He provides regular updates and follows macOS evolution, including Monterey. I'm hoping he'll add iPadOS.
    On the rare occasion I needed help, he was responsive.

    Logitech support has been patchy, at best, and Mac marginalized.
    e.g. Buying MX Master 3. PC and Mac versions are the same price, but Mac version doesn't have
    a USB dongle and you can't buy a working one. "PC" version has the dongle and works just fine on Mac and iPad. Boo!
    I never bother with Logitech's software.
  • Future Apple devices may have invisible buttons and sliders

    hide and seek software is bad enough!
    hide and seek hardware?! Please.
    stop this crap.
  • Apple acquires popular weather app Dark Sky

    My reaction is: I hope Apple doesn't &#&$ it up. Or worse yet kill it.

    This is my favorite complication on the Watch infograph modular.

    Apple should learn from the compact display of a lot of information

    In the center, it gives you:
    current conditions, temp, cloud cover,
    temp low high
    next sunrise or sunset

    all at a glance

    I love it. Apple- if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
