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  • Spotify accuses Apple of anti-competitive practices in Europe over App Store restrictions

    - Ek further says that third-party developers are also locked out of information regarding customers. "For example, they limit our communication with our customers—including our outreach beyond the app," he writes. "In some cases, we aren't even allowed to send emails to our customers who use Apple." -

    Hal-a-freakn-loo-ya!!! When I buy an app I want the choice to say DO NOT CONTACT ME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! PERIOD!   Since virtually no app developer would agree to this on their own, Apple has to step in and say it's up to the consumer, not the app developer to set the terms of communication!! This is a privacy issue and Apples history with this is better then virtually all other companies I've dealt with.

    30% may seem like a lot but what's the mark up most goods and services? By the time most retail stores sell an item, they charge more then 30% over what the manufacturer received for producing the same item (shipping + handling + profits +...; Similar to curating the app store, policing apps, creating a device that people can use without selling their personal data...).  Seems cheep to me when all the things are considered! I gladly pay the extra 30% for what Apple offers on top of the app itself.   I doubt the EU will agree though.
  • Tim Cook being 'intrusive' to Hollywood in quest for family-friendly video fare

    When has micromanaging a project like this ever worked out?

    I like Tim C. and don't disagree with Apple's attempted move into family friendly shows, you need to let the "creatives" run with stable boundaries. It looks like the boundaries are moving and that is not good. If they are always second-guessing their decisions, then the content will be second-rate!

    As a parent of 3 kids, I know there is a lot of crap (superstitious BS, needless violence...) out there designed to be consumed by children...
  • If Qualcomm wants its 5G modems in the 2020 iPhone, it has to wrap up the legal battles no...

    5G at this point is a canard! 4G is fine for the vast majority of current data. I haven't seen a compelling need for anything faster then 4G at this point. Yes we should be moving towards a 5G future but for now, the hype is overblown and just a marketing ploy!

    Apple has probably been working on an internal in-house modem (?) ever since they realized the intel modems were second rate. they have known that working with QC is a dead end for longer then that. I suspect we will see an Apple modem in 2020 or 2021 at the latest.
  • The Nest Secure has a hidden microphone, and Google didn't tell owners for 18 months

    jdgaz said:
    I do my very best to avoid everything Google. Just don't trust those folks.
    ... and Amazon!
  • Publishers balk at Apple's news subscription proposal over revenue split, access to subscr...

    I don't really care what Apple takes as a split! It's a free market! If the news agencies don't want to be part of it... then don't!

    People are going to realize (eventually) that they don't want their data bought and sold without their permission. When they do, they will migrate to Apple because Apple has been the only big tech company to consistently give a crap (stated publicly and demonstrated by their actions) about not collecting and selling user data. Other companies (Google, Facebook...) give lip-service to "protecting" user data only to be shown later to be selling it on the side to whoever has big pocketbooks.

    The US should put one of these CEO's in jail for year or two when they lie and cheat or deliberately miss-lead the public or congress about collecting user data...  It will stop very quickly!
