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  • Apple Intelligence inches closer to Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator

    chadbag said:
    cg27 said:
    Um, interesting story, but go back to 1968 when 2001: A Space Odyssey blew everyone’s mind, on several levels, the tech depiction being just one.  HAL, tablets (albeit “laying” on a desk since they were 50 years ahead of the tech), etc etc

    Let’s not give Sculley any credit for this.
    So Elon Musk doesn’t get credit for usable EVs then as they had EVs roaming the streets a century ago.  Is that how we score it?
    No, because he didn’t found Tesla, he bought it, and he’s not an engineer, and as we’ve learned with the very public Twitter fails, a rather foolish manager. Classic case of failing upward (he was fired from PayPal before they even became PayPal). Wish my daddy had an emerald mine in S. Africa, nice way to start in life. 
  • Apple Intelligence inches closer to Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator

    That Sculley “got it right” or “predicted the future” is a rather silly premise. Ideas are absurdly simply and because of that rather worthless. Sci-fi books and movies have “predicted” conversational computing for decades and decades. It’s natural to imagine talking to a machine. 

    Implementation is what is valuable. Ideas easy, implementation hard. See Humane pin. 
  • Don't get too excited about new iPhone trade-in bonuses from Apple

    I’ve sold my iPhones on Ebay, and traded them in. I can say after my recent Ebay experiences of high fees it isn’t worth the slightly more dollars for the added work of maintaining the accessories and having to box and ship it. The Apple trade in is simpler and close enough to what I clear from Ebay. 
  • New iOS & iPadOS update fixes reappearing photos bug

    TravisV said:
    This brings up another disturbing scenario with Apple. If the photo's that you deleted years ago reappear what else is Apple storing on their servers that you have deleted from Data Recovery in iCloud. ARE THEY REALLY DELETED or are they just hidden like files hidden on a mac with a ".".. THe question now is can Apple be believed when they say they can not read your FileVault Key that might be stored on their servers and that in Systems Setting in Sonoma and is Advance System Protection, protection at all!
    markbyrn said:
    If photos are reappearing years after you deleted them, this 17.5 bug only exposed the fact that Apple was somehow retaining the deleted photos. This 17.5.1 update only re-hides that egregious violation of privacy.  Tim Cook bad!
    Read the article. The bug appears to involve a corrupted local database, which is then insufficiently deleting the images. It isn’t about secret Apple policies to retain cloud images.
  • No, Apple is not going to delete the Clown emoji from the iPhone

    maltz said:
    To be fair, Apple does have a history of modifying or pushing for the removal of emoji for quasi-political reasons in the past.  It's not that unreasonable to think they might take similar action again.
    Your own link for pushing for removal said both Apple and Microsoft recommended against adding a rifle glyph, and the rest of the standard body agreed unanimously. Nice try tho. 
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