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  • System 7 transformed the Mac on May 13, 1991

    My 1st Macintosh came with System 7. I don't miss having to manage memory...
  • A 24-inch 4K monitor & Mac mini is a good option versus the Apple Silicon iMac

    eightzero said:
    I've struggled with this for a while. I went so far as to get a 27" UHD monitor and it is currently being driven by a 2009 27" iMac as a second monitor. My thinking was that having the CPU and monitor separate, any update later would be easier - if a new CPU came along, but the screen was still ok, no need to replace it all. And of course, vice versa. The new iMac is perfect for my wife's needs, and one is on the way. I suspect when I see it...well...I'll need one too, and that UHD monitor will be the second screen for it. messing around with a good camera. I suddenly need a good webcam during covid. 

    Options are good.
    My 30"Apple Cinema from 2005 still works and looks amazing, I'll wait to upgrade my 2010 Mac Pro until they come out with a desktop that I can add storage and perform upgrades. I've had several iMacs, but I like the idea of a separate display & cpu. Call me old fashioned...
  • Future Apple devices may have invisible buttons and sliders

    Bring back the light to all Macs, not just the Mini & Mac Pro. Why did they take them away in the first place??
  • Apple working on technology to finally allow iOS devices to support multiple users

    One of the primary guiding principles in mainframe computing was always the separation of software and data.   The two were never, ever mixed.
    Had PC (and now mobile) computing followed that guideline much trouble would have been avoided.

    But, it is too late for that now -- the idea of one big pot for software and data is not only enshrined in technology but in the culture of technology.

    In any case, as iPads (and eventually) iPhones include more PC type functionality, it makes sense that multiple users would make sense (but mostly for the iPad).
    I actually have two separate drives on my computers, one for OS & programs (SSD) and one for my data (HDD). I also have two user accounts, my admin & my normal user. Just better security disciplines.
  • Apple Pay growth will make it the next antitrust fight with regulators

    Wow, the EU again. God bless the EU parliament, may they endeavor to someday do something useful & constructive...