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  • Does Apple's platform need to be opened up?

    Government and especially the EU wants there companies to succeed. I for one like privacy of Apple compared to others. If I wanted the other services or other competitors because of the way Apple does business then I would not buy Apple. It is up to us the consumer to decide what we want to spend our money not the government. What they need to do is control government taxation and forever increases against people and companies, cut control from government period! 
  • European Union smacks Apple with $2 billion fine over music streaming

    I don’t I’ll not use Spotify at all! Actually I have iTunes and barely use the music. I love the freedom that I can scroll and pick and choose any app I want in Apple and not worry that it is full of spam, illegal activity and mostly safe. I see Spotify on there but I don’t like them they spam my emails trying to get me to sign up just for trying them out over a year ago and did not care. I downloaded prime music and I am happy with their service right out of the Apple App Store. EU sucks anyway! They still think we are colonies and they believe they are an empire. They want to control Africa, India and Asia. That won’t happen at all! America is free from the tyranny gov of Great Britain. Not they want to keep playing taxes 250 years later! Make them pay there share of nato or cut them off! Here see I have it on there and it is bull that I can’t find it when in the app. It’s 2nd on my app search for music after YouTube actually and 4th is Apples music lol 

  • Watch 51 classic movies for free on Apple TV+

    Finally a lot of movies from the classics and modern that I like to binge watch when there is nothing else to watch. I really like the selection. 46 out of 51 movies yeah! 
  • Reviewers say there's no need to upgrade to Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2

    I agree with most comments here, almost no one anymore updates every year. I have the Apple Watch 6 and to me it is worth it now to the ultra 2 ! Same with my iPhone 13 256  I will upgrade finally to the 15 pro 256  I always wait 2 years at least to make it worthwhile 
  • Level Lock+ with Home Key hits some Apple Store shelves

    I am looking forward to it since it will cost about double from a regular amazon smart deadbolt available but I like that even if my watch or smart phone is taken it has to be authenticated first to open. Good feature. For those that says it cost 10 times more then a good quality deadbolt not true. I purchased a comercial level lock for my front door since the other dead bolts can be defeated easily especially those that cost under 50 dollars. My deadbolt which I am happy with cost me 89+ tax. And adding another layer is worth it for me. Since I have already re enforced doors and security windows and my weapons of course. Yep a little paranoia is worth it. Better extra safe then sorry 