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  • Apple strikes back at Spotify's claims of unfair treatment in the App Store

    Apple should be on good terms with the EU;  https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/apple/apple-agrees-pay-15-4-billion-back-taxes-ireland-even-n826701

    Ireland fought for Apple here, but Apple is paying these retro-back-taxes because they are a good global citizen, despite the constant "tax dodger" claims by "others".

    Just like in the US, "Apple is the world's largest tax payer."

    As others have said in here, Spotify's business model was built on balsa wood, and in their panic they are suing like some many others.
  • High-end users on 'Why I'm buying the new Mac Pro'

    so much FUD in here, this whole " a threadripper..." stuff, how about we wait for benchmarks?  seems pretty speculative to me.  As far as Nvidia, doesn't seem like they should have the stranglehold on tech as much as they do and people should welcome other means to an end.  Major software developers are committed to Apple's Metal, so lack of CUDA support isn't as important as some are making it out to be.  AMD seems more willing to work with developers like Apple to fully optimize their hardware, as seen by them being the choice of consoles now and in the future as well.   The new MacPro is a definitive workstation, while the past MacPros and PowerMacs were nice, they simply weren't at this caliber.  As for a mid level Q840/PM8100/8500/8600 style, who knows, keep those requests going at apple.com/feedback, that's the best way to get your point accross.
  • New iPad Pro benchmarks are very close to the 2018 15-inch MacBook Pro

    As for pro apps, they briefly demo'd a full bore Autocad, doesn't get much more pro than that (well, Photoshop too).  The transition will be slow but it will happen, I would guess the biggest inhibitor being OS and not hardware.  I also think Apple will appease Intel by going full Intel modems on all iPhone/iPad, which is a significant piece of marketshare, unlike desktop processors.  It will be interesting to see if they go A-line w/ Intel or are working behind the scenes for ARM-based windows optimization.
  • Guns N' Roses' singer Axl Rose compares Apple CEO Tim Cook to Donald Trump

    Axel must realize the way for the modern musician to make money is to tour, and to use the data from streaming services to determine where your fans are and your best routes for the tour, I'd say he's also lazy and doesn't want to or can no longer perform live.
  • iPhone X impresses Windows executive, Android fans but bitter bloggers still hating

    Objective "truths":
    -Many real iPhone users (not all, but many)  struggle with FaceID. Apple probably could have put touchID on the back but didn't - most don't, most absolutely adore it, it works perfectly for me, but picking and choosing "real iPhone users" could conclude things like "people hate free money!", so this is far, far far from a truth.

    -There is a camera bump - subjective, but true

    -iPhones have never been known for fantastic battery life. At best, it's been good. Some Android phones have actual two day + battery life with average usage - link?  can find links that say this and the exact opposite, so, no, not a "truth"

    -the iPhone X has been called by many sites like CNET (not blogs and not Android biased ones) to be the most breakable iPhone ever  - once again, the first video I watched on youtube proved it to be tougher than an 8, still subjective, so survey gets the X on this "truth"

    -the iPhone X stops working in the cold sometimes  - since any/all Apple experience is treated like a fish bowl, apparently a hand full of folks experienced this, the good thing is, Apple has acknowledged it, which means it will be patched, like WPA-2, before most of this country gets very cold

    -some iPhone Xs are getting the green line of death  - well, it's well known Samsung makes the displays and IMHO overcharges Apple, so this really is Samsung's fault, no?  also, an ultra-ultra rare issue, barely worth noting, unlike say a Note 7 and it's explosiveness no?

    -its screen is less bright than the top of the line Samsung phones' - odd, one of the most respected, scientific testers of displays said it's the best display ever made?

    -it's expensive  - so is the Note 8 and the Pixel 2XL

    -iPhone X users have complained about how multitasking is slower without a home button - see "people hate free money" in your first "truth"

    -there is no headphone jack - Are we talking about the Pixel2?  have you seen the schematics for samsung's 9 line?  get an SE

    -Samsung put a button beneath their screen, something Apple probably could have done - 1,000% subjective, you crack me up

    -iOS gives the user less control over their phone's interface - do I need to link up the word "truth" from Websters here?  OPINION

    -the iPhone X actually has a slightly lower screen to body ratio compared to the top of the line Samsung phones who'd don't have a notch or as rounded corners (which take away from screen real estate in videos) - now I'm just getting tired of your desperate attempts

    -it has no open use of NFC - Apple fans appreciate and respect the security of our devices, and not allowing control to those who should not have it

    -it has no back button (this isn't talked about as much, but this has been my complaint since the beginning. I don't want to look for a different way of going back in every app)  - see the answer above about a button beneath,

    -they could have switched over to USB C but (here is the opinion section starting) they probably wanted to keep lightning because proprietary jacks lead to more money, and jacks and dongles seem to be a big part of Apple's business - if you weren't so desperate and jaded you'd contemplate for even a second that USB C is bigger, takes more space, and is impractical, Lightning has been the standard for years, E for effort.