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  • Stolen Quanta documents show MacBook Pro with SD card slot, MagSafe

    Xed said:
    urashid said:
    These drawings don't look legit to me.  The key openings around the space bar do not show the inverted-T for the arrow keys:

    I highly doubt that Apple will revert back to the two full-size, two half-size arrow keys so soon after reverting back to the inverted-T layout.

    Besides Mknelson's comment, looking at my 2017 MBP, the up and down arrow keys are still placed within what looks ike a standard cut out of the aluminum top casing. I think these are real.

    Yes, the up and down keys do sit in a single cut-out.  It's the left and right arrow keys that need the half-height openings.
  • Stolen Quanta documents show MacBook Pro with SD card slot, MagSafe

    mknelson said:
    urashid said:
    These drawings don't look legit to me.  The key openings around the space bar do not show the inverted-T for the arrow keys:

    I highly doubt that Apple will revert back to the two full-size, two half-size arrow keys so soon after reverting back to the inverted-T layout.

    You may want to have a look at the new keyboard shipping with the 24" iMac…

    Oh I was talking about the Macbook Pro. Apple never changed the magic keyboard back to inverted-T.  The last model still had the above layout:

  • Stolen Quanta documents show MacBook Pro with SD card slot, MagSafe

    These drawings don't look legit to me.  The key openings around the space bar do not show the inverted-T for the arrow keys:

    I highly doubt that Apple will revert back to the two full-size, two half-size arrow keys so soon after reverting back to the inverted-T layout.

  • Arizona bill that could force Apple App Store to allow third-party payments one step close...

    danvm said:
    foad said:
    danvm said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Odd that games consoles care excluded. What’s the reasoning behind that?
    Maybe becase consoles are not multipurpose devices, or because customers are not forced to use the app store to purchase games.  Also, what @foad posted could be a possibility.  Who knows...
    You are forced to use Sony and Microsoft’s distribution methods for digital purchases though. So if you buy the digital versions of the Xbox or the PS5, you’re required to use their payment methods and you can’t build in an alternate payment flow. The initial versions of these bills were pushing for alternate App Stores and still had the carve out for game consoles. Heck - Epic’s suing to get an alternate App Store. They state it in their filings. The reason they keep calling it a “tax”, is because legislators and users have a very specific reaction to the word. They explicitly ignore what they get out of using the platforms. These companies have the expectation that Apple and Google should develop the APIs that they hook into for free. 

    All this stuff is just a money/power grab. Let’s take Spotify. Where is their supposed harm? They are the biggest streaming service by a long shot - and still growing at a crazy clip. They have been able to buy up all these various companies and now are becoming a dominant player in the podcast market. Tencent/Epic are two of the largest games companies in the world. Epic steals content constantly that gets put into Fortnite and they fight tooth and nail to not pay the original content creators. I can keep going on, but this isn’t about “app fairness”. It’s about future dominance. 
    The thing is that consoles don't force customers to digital purchases.  MS, Sony and Nintendo consoles still have support for physical media.  Maybe that is one of the reasons they were excluded.  From a developer POV, I think there is no difference between the iOS / Android digital store and a console digital store.  

    And I agree with you, this is an issue of money and power, and not necessary app fairness.  
    The only reason they were excluded is that Epic doesn't care about those platforms, so they excluded them from their legislation to avoid having Sony and Microsoft oppose it as well. 
    I think you mean Epic cares too much about the gaming console platforms.  From a 2019 survey of "battle royale" gamers, 71 percent of players mainly played on consoles, compared to just 17 percent on PC and 12 percent on mobile.  Maybe Epic is just testing waters with the small potatoes mobile platforms before going after the gaming consoles (I highly doubt it though).

  • YouTuber builds 'first' Apple Silicon iMac using old iMac & M1 Mac mini

    Probably easier to use target display mode on the 2011 iMac and have access to all the mac mini M1 ports.  Saw the following on Reddit when I was looking for a similar solution (haven't tried it yet):
