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  • WSJ author & research firm that botched iPhone X demand doubling down on iPhone XS

    Every year the same nonsense about Apples demise. The mainstream media in general is completely out of control. The media rams their personal opinions and personal agenda down our throats 24/7. Americans will start inevitably believing this nonsense when they hear so much of this same garbage day after day, and the media knows this to be true.

    It’s time for Americans to start using their noodles and doing their own research from multiple sources on stories that are of interest to them. We are being bamboozled by the media.

    If you go out onto the streets to have an adult conversation with divided Americans you will find that well over seventy percent of the time these protesters can’t give you any intelligent feedback about the issues at hand, and why they are protesting. Here is what you here most of the time, “I don’t know I just don’t like this person, that person, or this”. I will say it again, it’s the media spreading hate, and gullible Americans jump on board saying OK I’m going to not like this personon or idea either....I can’t tell you why I just do because that’s what the mainstream media unknowing to me has led me to believe. 

    Yes i get of subject here. I’m just tired of the mainstream media in our country knowingly being dishonest. What happened to the days where if anything big was happening in the world we would all turn on CNN who we could all trust, no more.......
  • Apple sticking to family-friendly video efforts to avoid offense from viewers

    Really smart Apple.....American’s are tired of the mainstream media dividing us, and Hollywood thinking they know better than all of us. I thank you Apple for giving us back broadcasting that makes us proud, and shows others around the world that just maybe America still holds onto some of those values that we used to admire so much. 
  • Apple sold about 600,000 HomePods in the first quarter

    I love my Apple HomePod speaker. Our HomePod makes our Amazon smart speakers look like toys when playing music. I just hope HomePod starts catching up somewhat to all Amazon’s speakers smart capabilities. One step at a time I guess. 