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  • Italy fines Apple, Google, $11 million over use of customer data

    avon b7 said:
    lorca2770 said:

    Let me see if I understand. If my fashion boutique categorizes all the people entering the store, passing by the racks of clothing, by age, look, style, by the location of where the trendy stuff is, by the lighting of the store, and how it influences the purchases, and on, and on. Then, make the proper arrangements and division of the potential of the clients browsing, purchasing, abandoning the stuff that they don’t like, what colours are more popular…, and I keep track of all the variations. Make a successful shop; and I refuse to share the information with the lazy guy across the hall. And, I grow because of my ingenuity, solutions, innovation, and as a result I leave the competition on the dust…, then, I am forced to share my data…?


    Perhaps you missed the part about failing to adequately inform customers of how their data was being used and how they were using aggressive means to accumulate that data in the first place. 
    In Europe customer consent must be opt in, Italy accuses Apple that some checkboxes are checked by default.
  • Apple again asks Court of Appeal to stay Epic Games injunction

    Apple needs to change course and allow 3rd party App Stores and sideloading (which should require a certificate).
    This will bring new customers to the platform and in the end it will benefit Apple.
    The App Store has done nearly nothing regarding security (Pegasus and other zero day exploits), so it's time to move forward.
  • Apple ramps up work on fully autonomous 'Apple Car,' targets 2025 release

    Hey, everyone likes to play with vacuum cleaner robots, putting some obstacles in their way etc. – would be too nice to play this game with cars :smile: 
  • Apple called 'nonsensical' for claiming it complies with new South Korea laws

    This will extend to other countries, so Apple would be wise to comply timely.
    I believe that Apple will lose the App Store monopoly but I also believe it would not be harmful to Apple and they may attract new customers to the platform.
    The App Store was never a warrant for security (see Pegasus and latest zero day threats), Apple just needs to make iOS more secure.
  • Apple & EU slammed for dangerous child abuse imagery scanning plans

    Hopefully this technology will never be installed und users devices!