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  • Facebook says Apple's 30% App Store fee hurts small businesses during COVID-19

    How hypocrite of FB, sure they can lower the tariff to just a few percent, they do not need to provide anything other than the transaction. They do not need to provide the small indi developer with all the hosting infrastructure or the 1 PB of iCloud storage developers can use iN their apps ... sure ...  It’s shameful and I think it’s time to unwind all the purchases FB has done in the past, because they now control to much social media landscape. 
  • Parallels Desktop 16 revamped to run Windows faster on macOS Big Sur

    scartart said:
    temperor said:
    If developers can make Windows run on a Pi4, I’m sure Parallels can do it as well. 
    99.99% of people who need to run Windows, need to run the x86 version of Windows, not the useless ARM version.
    Performance could be very good, it all depends on how the instruction set translation is done. For day to day use like accounting apps, CRM etc that is not available it’s more than enough. If you need high end performance you where already very likely to use an optimized PC for that. Most people I know that run windows on mac was because of one or 2 apps that where bureautic apps that do not need exceptional performance ... And as already mentioned by someone else, You will see more and more universal binaries on windows too ... 
  • Parallels Desktop 16 revamped to run Windows faster on macOS Big Sur

    If developers can make Windows run on a Pi4, I’m sure Parallels can do it as well. The question is if x86 app’s on W10 arm on an ARM instruction set are going to be sufficient performant, it’s been shown they run significantly slower. This of course can be compensated by faster Silicon. I’m sure developers of Parallels already have this on their def kit, but that would not be representative for performance and would also brake their NDA.
  • Apple halved Amazon's App Store fee to get Prime Video on iOS and Apple TV

    Much ado about nothing, all subscription services can profit from the 15% tariff, subscription based services will go from 30 to 15% in the second year ... So maybe just maybe they got a one year discount, but we do not know all the details of the deal ...

  • Epic Games CEO criticizes Apple's App Store policies in interview

    For arguments sake how would a create a safe environment that let’s me ask my money back when something is bought and not to my liking? How can I be sure that is a malicious app gets to my iPhone I’m sure that third party AppStore will do the wright thing. How can I be sure that my payment information is not abused.
    Just asking.

    PS I was an android user and so where my children I have encountered all of the above on Android, 4 years into iPhone I never had any issue ... 

    PS2: it seems developers that became successful want more of the pie, not for the user, dream on it’s for their sake. They can today keep all the money they want, you only need to over the subscription outside of the App Store, which in my opinion is very clear, in App is Apple outside is third party. Oh and the need to offer both seems already flexible as the big boys already got from Apple what they want, which if you ask me is very generous, as all the costs go to Apple and the Big boys get to keep all the money. Netflix/Spotify/Adobe etc ... They get all my money directly without a cut for Apple ...

    PS3 It will kill the little developers, for example Apple Offers 1 PetaByte of storage via Cloudkit for free, imagine if you need to run that as a small developer, you would never be able launch that first great app.

    PS4 to all the smart people that want Apple to be forced to open the App store, you have an alternative too, buy yourselfs an Android phone, bye, bye, you wont be missed.