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  • Steve Wozniak 'can't tell the difference' between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13

    xyzzy01 said:
    Woz is right.

    Sure, 13 is better than 12: The CPU is faster, the screen is a little better on some, the battery life is improved, the camera is a little better. However, all of these were pretty good already. This is evolution, not revolution.

    It's not like the early days when we got 3G, then retina displays, next year touch ID - and exciting new designs every 2 years.  The tech is fairly mature now.

    Same with the software offerings - the novelties in this year's release were very minor. E.g. I don't expect to ever bother using SharePlay.
    True but the improvements for me were a bit more important in the 12-13 ProMax evolution than what I felt I got in the 11 to 12 ProMax evolution as good as they were.  But as we can all agree the importance of the evolutionary changes probably varies for each person. If they did not do the iUP program I probably would wait more like I do in my iPad and MacBook (every 3-4 years leaning towards 4 years). So for the M1 MacBooks for example my late 2018 15 inch MacBook Pro still does all I need so I will wait several more years and just save up for new model as it gets to have issues and not allow me to use features and new updates. More important is security since I do on line banking and orders although I can keep most of that to iphone and ipad and keep MacBooks even longer
  • Steve Wozniak 'can't tell the difference' between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13

    darkvader said:
    What is wrong with you people?

    This is Woz, the guy who created Apple.  The Steve who REALLY created apple, not the attention whore Steve who liked taking credit for what Woz did.

    And he's absolutely right.  The iPhone 13 is effectively no different than the 12, which is no different than the 11.  Phones are a mature technology, and pretending that a new model every year is somehow going to be an amazing upgrade is idiotic at this point.

    "But battery life is better!" - Guess what?  That's not innovation, Apple could have done that all along, all it takes is making the phone thicker so a bigger battery fits inside.  We could have iPhones that work for a week without charging if Apple really gave up on the idiotic thin fetish.
    Well as I mentioned for me personally, others experience may vary, it was not just battery life as nice as that is, the new Qualcomm 5G Modem for my weak cell area as I suspected was better than the 12 ProMax (even though that was better than the crappy intel LTE modems), night mode has improved along with ability to do cool night sky shots, they had not gotten the 1 TB memory in 12 like I hoped but 13 ProMax has it and for me lots of space to store my photos and files and such on the portable computer my 13 ProMax is. I find the photos better, the macro mode was important for me. So when I add it up — personally for features it was a big gain for me, bigger than 11 to 12 was to be honest. But yes this is all subjective, and ultimately the market will tell us who is right LOL