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  • Compared: 24-inch M1 iMac vs 21.5-inch and 27-inch Intel iMac

    Marvin said:
    These “chin” complaints are inexplicable to me. Do people also complain about the space below the speedometer and tachometer in their cars? 

    If there were no “chin” would they complain about the “foot”?
    Some people like to use dual displays. The iMac doesn't match with standard displays, including Apple's own standalone displays.

    Compare that to a dual XDR setup:

    If Apple made affordable standalone displays, these would be good for people with laptops and an iMac could match it with a similar design.

    The XDR displays look great and would easily accommodate M1(X) chips while being much slimmer. Given that the iPad Pro has similar spec to the XDR, maybe they found a way to manufacture it in a cheaper way.

    The higher up iMac could become a 30"/32" model with the faster M1X in the back matching the design of the XDR and would look like that setup without the Mac Pro.
    Sorry no, the XDR display has no room inside and runs very hot, hence cooling fans inside and the back being full of holes.
    Any new 32" iMac will be the exact same design as the new 24" iMac because Apple is obsessed with thinness. Also you need to remember that M1 in the iPad Pro has no active cooking so will run slower and it hasn't got all the thunderbolt and USB C to handle.

    But to me the new iPad Pro seems a joke anyway, all that power just for iOS, what a waste. The new iMac seems cracking value by comparison.

    I can also imagine a 32" iMac having an external Ethernet port and headphone Jack in the side too. And it'll be offered in different colours although no idea what.

    I have found the new iMac design to be growing on me. I only need to see how Starcraft 2 runs in it, may have to be at a 1080P resolution.... but for what I would use it for it'll do. I've grown a bit tired by iOS's limitations. Plus I'd like a new OLED iPhone.
  • Stolen Quanta documents show MacBook Pro with SD card slot, MagSafe

    netrox said:
    Why is HDMI even necessary if there are Thunderbolt to HDMI cables? Seriously, that is so backward. 

    USB4/TB3 is the port to rule all. I understand the inclusion of SDHC slot tho.
    Is that a sarcastic post? Or are you very young? HDMI ports are pretty much everywhere in both commercial, professional and consumer environments, everywhere. Because they work and are simple.

    Just remember. apples computer market share is in single digits, maybe up to 11% if they are lucky. That's globally. It is in the complete and total minority to not include HDMI ports.

    Its about as forward as Apple can get to include HDMI ports on their laptops.
    mazda 3smuthuk_vanalingamAI_lias
  • Stolen Quanta documents show MacBook Pro with SD card slot, MagSafe

    Am embarrassing and sensible U turn. I predict they will do the same with the iPhone if the try to remove all its ports too. 
    Customers won, telling Apple tested my how stupid their laptop ports were. Utterly impractical and driving people towards the competition which has ports built in.

    Anyway a welcome comeback, and for Mag Safe at last, although that was hinted at with the new iMac anyway.
    Interesting how Apple seems to be going up in screen size on all its computers.
  • Compared: 24-inch M1 iMac vs 21.5-inch and 27-inch Intel iMac

    To be honest this Mac is growing on me, also the pricing said for a 1TB SSD and 16GB RAM for 'Apple' aren't bad. So you could spec out a top spec colourful model for a reasonable, for Apple, price. May have to take a look at it. 27" is probably big enough too. Just need to see how it handles Starcraft 2 as the other M1 Macs don't do too well.

    I think a 32" iMac of decent spec will be pushing 2 grand plus. I would like to see what the Apple Silicon Mac Pro is like, but need to be realistic as it'll be like a starting price of 4 grand with crap specs like ram and storage.
  • Apple debuts colorful 24-inch iMac with M1, upgraded camera and audio

    keithw said:
    To a lot of users, an M1 Mac Mini with a 5k display (or even the XDR like I have) will make a lot more sense than this iMac.
    To a lot of users, the new M1 iMac makes more sense than a Mac mini with a separate display. Great that Apple serves both kinds users, eh?
    Yes, like those of us who don’t have 6 or 7 grand to spend on a computer and monitor.... funny that eh lol. A 1600 pound or dollars VS 6 grand hmm.. wait for the new 32” iMac to come out and it’ll make an XDR and iMac a little more silly. Still at least you can ditch the Mac Mini for a new Apple Silicon Mac Pro, for a price.