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  • Apple debuts colorful 24-inch iMac with M1, upgraded camera and audio

    mwhite said:
    Peza said:
    Well, I can’t say it’s what I was expecting... it is kinda growing in me, but man from the front those colours are just odd.. shame it’s an M1 too and not something more powerful. Still an interesting design, nice Touch ID integration too. Probably better value then the new M1 iPad Pro. Wonder what the 32” iMac will be like?
    However it’s incredibly overpriced, and I can see a 16GB 1TB model being 2 grand. And I bet anything you cannot upgrade any of those components yourself.

    From what I can figure the 16GB 1TB model will cost close to $2500 because that's what I'm getting my daughter, but it's hard to tell for sure without it letting me put all the info in on Apple site.
    It if costs that much, it’ll show Apple is more greedy then those European football clubs that tried to break away for a new Super League over the last few days! Only unlike the football clubs, Apple won’t back down over its pricing. 
    It will also mean the 32” model will be very expensive..
  • Apple debuts colorful 24-inch iMac with M1, upgraded camera and audio

    Well, I can’t say it’s what I was expecting... it is kinda growing in me, but man from the front those colours are just odd.. shame it’s an M1 too and not something more powerful. Still an interesting design, nice Touch ID integration too. Probably better value then the new M1 iPad Pro. Wonder what the 32” iMac will be like?
    However it’s incredibly overpriced, and I can see a 16GB 1TB model being 2 grand. And I bet anything you cannot upgrade any of those components yourself.
  • Leaked images of revamped iPad Pro and iPad mini show few changes

    Another year and rumours say they will keep the exact same iPad Mini design for the 9th year running.... that's just really sad and pathetic if true. Especially when rumours say even the base model iPad will get a redesign. I'm sure with Apples endless money and resources they could have managed a redesign over the last several years?
    This is why people don't like some of Apple devices, they never change the design of them. iMac and the trash can Mac Pro being another case in point.

    Still will be interesting to see what they've put into them this year. 
    And why are people arguing over how you use an iPad claiming everyone uses it this way or that? Not one of you is right, not one... everybody's different and will use their iPads in different ways, you all have zero proof to back up your claims are are just embarrassing yourselves. 
  • Tim Cook to talk Facebook, 'Tim Apple,' more in interview airing Monday

    badmonk said:
    Peza said:
    Whilst I think personally that Zuckerberg would quite literally sell your soul for profit if he could get it, I think Apple is just about THE most hypocritical company on the planet when it comes to criticising them over ‘privacy’. 
    They publicly criticised Google and Amazon for listening to recordings captured from their devices to improve their AI services, of which Amazon I know warned you off, only for it to be leaked Apple had been doing the EXACT same thing without telling anyone, with Siri hearing everything you say without your knowledge. 
    They also had such weak security that simple hacking methods gained easy access to people’s personal photos.

    And I’m sure there are other examples, I am in no way going to defend Facebooks privacy policies, but Apple seriously needs to get of this privacy elite trip, because it’s frankly embarrassing to see them falsely portray themselves as the saviours of privacy when they have guilt all over their hands of treating it with disrespect themselves.

    Oh and let’s not forget they fully support, for profit, endless free apps that mine data from their users on a daily basis, that’s then all sold on for profit. This interview is as true today as it was when written:

    I highly recommend ‘Tim Cook’ stops with the virtue signalling and hypocrisy, and gets back to his day job and making new devices, such as launching those new iMac designs, it would be nice to refresh a design that’s 10 plus years old and is incredibly stale... which is what Apples privacy virtue signalling is fast becoming...
    The difference is probably three fold-

    Degree- I think the the available information suggets that Facebook, Google and many many smaller customers monitor your behavior on device and on the internet for purposes of advertising and profit.  Installing Facebook and it’s associated Apps on your phone is tantamount to installing spyware on your device.

    Motivation- Generally, I buy that the few times Apple has been caught (eg HomePod, Siri), the goal was to improve the user experience and not to directly profit or advertise.

    Anonymous cloaking- to obscure specific users and make them a member of a population.

    To equate Facebook and Apple is a false equivalency.  At least Google makes a pretense of protecting your privacy.

    But I do agree with you that Apple needs to police the App Store better.

    And along with the #virtuesignaling, you will see radical changes in Apple products with Apple Silicon over the next four years, Apple is in it for the long game.
    I agree with Google, everyone attacks them, yet all they want to do is advertise to you, they get revenue from many streams, but they do not sell your ‘personal data’ like many mistakingly believe, they just have a business model based in advertising, among other revenues like charging ISP’s for Google searches etc.

    Facebook believes that they own all the data you post to their site, indeed the EUD states as such, their model is advertising but they also DO sell your data they collect, they tell you as such, IMO they are far worst then Google or Amazon. I don’t use them for that reason.

    However, to use these examples as an ‘excuse’ for Apple is pretty deplorable, you know what the others do, they do not state to you in advertising campaigns they protect your security. Apple did and still does, yet they did not inform their customers they also record everything you say, sometimes without knowingly activating Siri, and third parties listen to said recording. As stated in my link above the original whistle blower that stated what Apple was doing, without the users knowledge, they still do to this day ignoring regulations it seems in some cases. Take from that what you will, but it was after this very same person leaked what Apple were doing when Apple released a public statement in it.

    So Apple are hypocritical when it comes to security and privacy. All they do is virtue signalling, and allow endless freemium apps to record everything they can about their users and freely sell that data on.

    With Apple it’s not so much the acts they do, it’s the fact they do not inform their users heat they do, whilst criticising others over their privacy policies. That’s my issue with them, it builds distrust with the company.
    I won’t stop using Google, they are damn good at web searches, I won’t stop using Amazon or Alexa as it’s miles better then Siri, and both companies tell me what they do, and have consistently done so, with my data. Apple does not and yet is the one virtue signalling about privacy as an ad campaign. I’ll still continue to use their products, for now. But will keep an eye on their security and privacy related stories.

    Interesting what you say about Apple hardware though, see how that plays out.
  • Tim Cook to talk Facebook, 'Tim Apple,' more in interview airing Monday

    Peza said:
    only for it to be leaked Apple had been doing the EXACT same thing without telling anyone, with Siri hearing everything you say without your knowledge. 

    They also had such weak security that simple hacking methods gained easy access to people’s personal photos.

    As I recall the Siri disclosure was actually in the terms of service not a “secret”. The disclosure is now more explicit, true. 

    What hacking methods are you referring too?

    Disclosure: I work for Apple but posts here are my own. 
    No, read the reports, Apple did not disclose to anyone in its licensing that Siri recordings were passed onto third parties to be listened to: 

    Apples response to the act AFTER the whistle blower leaked the story:

    And yet Apple continues to act in defiance of their press statement according to the same whistle blower: