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  • Apple plans slimmest iPhone 17 & MacBook Pro designs following iPad Pro success

    dutchlord said:
    Come on Apple, thinner and faster are no design goals. I never had a slow Apple device even after years of usage. Thinner is not appealing. We need real out-of-the-box innovation not more of the same. 
    You don't think that a design of Apple's engineering is to make it lighter and to make it faster? I certainly do, and I know from experience that if you can make an object less heavy you can usually reduce its volume and if you can make it complete a given task more quickly you get it back to an idle state faster which will give you an overall better battery life. How are these not goals when designing a better device?
  • Apple Pay Later is getting killed in favor of third-party loan integration

    tundraboy said:
    It was an awful idea in the first place for Apple to get into the usury business.  The optics alone of being a financial predator would be bad.
    It's 0% interest, so not exactly what I'd call predatory. Now, if they replace with Apple Paycheck Cashing Services I'll agree.
  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    spheric said:
    melgross said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    Fortunately no. The world needs for him to be put in a home.

    It’s almost cruelty that Jill and co. Haven’t set up Joe in a nursing facility already. There has been FAR too much embarrassment from the guy. Not only can he not ambulate safely, but routinely spaces out and needs handholding and direction for the most basic things. Recently have you seen the looks on the Italian and Canadian prime ministers faces as Joe basically disappeared without going anywhere? The guy needs to retire and get consistent care. He may only be a little older than Trump, but he’s declined so much faster. Meanwhile trump is holding his own and then some with master manipulators and fast talkers like Logan Paul. 

    You may not like Trump, but he is clearly the far more sound candidate than Biden - and pretty much everyone else in that side of the aisle. 
    "Religion is such a great thing it's so it keeps you know there's something to be good about you want to be good you wanna it's so important I don't know if it's explained right I don't know if I am explaining it right you know you want to be good you want to go to heaven when you have something like that you wanna go to heaven OK so you want to go to heaven so if we don't have heaven OK you almost say what's the reason why do I have to be good let's not be good what difference does it make"
    ~ Donald J. Trump~ June 2024
    Sounds like everyone else I’ve heard (Heck, I’ve heard actual pastors do a bad job explaining) except Joe:
    “I’m religious.” 

    Proceeds to enact rules and laws that violate major aspects of said religion. 

    *smiles blankly*

    -Joe Biden - 2021-2024. 

    Take the guy who gives a pathetic but possibly honest take on the fundamentals of basic religion or the guy who pretends to be religious yet is a complete hypocrite in everything he does. 

    I’ll take the honest guy. At least you know where he’s coming from. 

    And since I’m not electing either one as my pastor, I’ll take the guy who knows how to get things done, gets world leaders to toe the line, and cares about national security, economic strength, the tangible betterment of America and knows how to accomplish it over the demonstrably dangerously incompetent one. 
    Are you claiming Trump is an "honest" guy?
  • Apple plans slimmest iPhone 17 & MacBook Pro designs following iPad Pro success

    hmlongco said:
    Not exactly sure what the benefit of a thiner body is going to be when you're basically going to have to maintain a fat camera bump that's at least as larger as it is now.
    Not exactly sure why you aren't you considering the weight drop benefit that we saw in the latest iPad Pro that was recently made thinner.
  • Apple plans slimmest iPhone 17 & MacBook Pro designs following iPad Pro success

    Xed said:
    Xed said:
    Has Jony Ive entered the building again? How will battery life not suffer? 
    Your comment assumes no other advances will be made in shrinking components, making more power efficient components, denser battery tech, better internal design of components, and/or more efficient SW.
    Battery technology has been lagging for years and suddenly in two years time it’s dramatically going to improve? There’s only so much they can do via software manipulation. It truly would be a miracle if Apple provided real all day battery life in phones that aren’t the size of the Pro Max but then they would be losing out on the $$ they make from battery replacements. 
    1) Things do advance, even if slowly. Sometimes, it's just the efficiency of the packaging, even if the density of the cells isn't changing.

    2) You only addressed 2 things of many that can affect battery life.

    3) You say "there's only so much they can do" and yet I can point to any number of iPhones, iPads, or Mac laptops to show how their battery life is considerably better while being much lighter and faster than they used to be.
    Then my iPhone 12 Mini should be providing me with better battery life with the advancements in iOS technology yet with each iOS update I am getting less battery life. 
    The OS generally gets more efficient but it also gets more features which use power. You can often disable many of these new features. Again, you ignore all the other advances that has led to far great batter life over the original iPhone.