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  • Apple plans slimmest iPhone 17 & MacBook Pro designs following iPad Pro success

    Xed said:
    Has Jony Ive entered the building again? How will battery life not suffer? 
    Your comment assumes no other advances will be made in shrinking components, making more power efficient components, denser battery tech, better internal design of components, and/or more efficient SW.
    Battery technology has been lagging for years and suddenly in two years time it’s dramatically going to improve? There’s only so much they can do via software manipulation. It truly would be a miracle if Apple provided real all day battery life in phones that aren’t the size of the Pro Max but then they would be losing out on the $$ they make from battery replacements. 
    1) Things do advance, even if slowly. Sometimes, it's just the efficiency of the packaging, even if the density of the cells isn't changing.

    2) You only addressed 2 things of many that can affect battery life.

    3) You say "there's only so much they can do" and yet I can point to any number of iPhones, iPads, or Mac laptops to show how their battery life is considerably better while being much lighter and faster than they used to be.
  • Don't toss your Apple Watch away if you get a hard fall warning, like Steven Spielberg did...

    I got my first one recently. I did fall, but it wasn't anything severe. I simply looked at my watch and hit the option that noted that I was OK. 
    appleinsideruserAnilu_777luke hamblywatto_cobra
  • Apple plans slimmest iPhone 17 & MacBook Pro designs following iPad Pro success

    Has Jony Ive entered the building again? How will battery life not suffer? 
    Your comment assumes no other advances will be made in shrinking components, making more power efficient components, denser battery tech, better internal design of components, and/or more efficient SW.
  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    Pema said:
    Xed said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs a felon with 34 criminal convictions who is incapable of stringing two sentences together in charge of the US? I don't think so.
    Not that Biden is dong any better with speaking these days, but at the end of the day I'm going to vote for the person who actually believes in a democracy, not a fascist and wannabe dictator.
    Neither are you mate. Dong? What is dong? It would appear that you are as bad as Biden.
    1) I absolutely did make a typo or had an autocorrect issue on a public tech forum. I didn't proofread. It happens.

    2) Since you wrote, "What is dong?" it indicate that you understand that the word intended to spelling was doingI find it concerning that you didn't understand the context of the sentence as stated. I'd argue that reading comprehension is more concerning than a simple typographical error.

    3) If you are going to attack someone for a typo, you probably should check your own grammar and punctuation before you hit submit, mate.
  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs a felon with 34 criminal convictions who is incapable of stringing two sentences together in charge of the US? I don't think so.
    Not that Biden is dong any better with speaking these days, but at the end of the day I'm going to vote for the person who actually believes in a democracy, not a fascist and wannabe dictator.