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  • Man ludicrously blames Apple for his wife catching him communicating with prostitutes

    For some logic-defying reason, he wants to get this money back from Apple. Worse yet, he wants other men in the same situation to go in with him on the suit.
    A crass action leads to a class action.

    Aside from the financial implications of divorce, Richard says that his health has been affected.

    Surely his health and financial issues aren't affected by sleeping with prostitutes.

    Declaring it a "very brutal way" for his wife to find out, he believes that there could've been a chance of the marriage continuing had he been able to "talk to her rationally."

    1) I find the best way not to hurt a spouse is to not do something that would hurt them.

    2) Based on his lawsuit I'm laughing at his notion of talking to anyone rationally, especially to his then wife about why he should be allowed to bang hookers.

    PS: I'm reminded of an AI poster that was blaming Apple for getting him caught. I think he mentioned he has to take the bus and turn off his phone so he can continue to cheat, or some such nonsense.
    ronn9secondkox2williamlondondewmeJaiOh81Bart Ymuthuk_vanalingamStrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Apple offers a first look at upcoming Messages via satellite feature

    ApplePoor said:
    Old saying: "The proof is in the pudding".  

    The satellite company, with Apple's financing, has to launch many (number not disclosed) new satellites to give good coverage just within the US proper let alone Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico or Canada or even other US territories. The coverage has to be across our borders to the North and South so there is solid coverage within all of the USA.

    I see this as a multi-year plan and it could be three or four years before useful operation. Musk has been launching thousands of new satellites for coverage and his pockets are perhaps deeper than Apple's pockets for just this one marketing claim.

    The SAT phone business will do very well world wide for many years. There are not other options for most of the remote land masses.
    Wow! That's a lot of wrong info and weird speculation.

    You make some odd speculation that GlobalStar — which is the name of the "satellite company" Apple partnered with years ago for Satellite SOS — will have to launch satellites to play catch up with Starlink. Globalstar has been around since 1991, which is long before Musk was anything by a scent in your mind, long before Tesla, long before SpaceX, and long before there were any Starling satellites.

    As you can see from their coverage map, this service is already covering the continental US, with only Hawaii having fringe coverage. They advertise as covering 80% of the earth's surface.


    Starlink is great if you want fas internet in specific areas and their setup does require an excessive number of satellites to work proper, but this is not what Globalstar does and their setup is very different. Apple created a way to repackage the text data being sent and received from Globalstar's system so that the data packages are considerably smaller than a normal iMessage. That should tell you that it's different from an internet service.

    For comparison, Globalstar satellites are 1,414km  from Earth while Starlink is 340–614km away. As a result they travel much faster to maintain their distance. There are pros and cons for each.

    PS: Musk's doesn't even have "pockets" when comparing them to how deep Apple's are, by comparison. 
  • Apple offers a first look at upcoming Messages via satellite feature

    This happened much sooner than I expected. I mean, years sooner than expected.
  • Apple's core Calendar and Reminders apps can finally talk to each other with iOS 18

    jfreedle2 said:
    I hope that you can turn it off, because that would be completely annoying to have reminders displayed in the calendar along with appointments and events. It just breaks productivity to have the reminders shown in the calendar.
    You mean the way you dis/enable a calendar by toggling the checkbox within Calendar? I assume Reminders will show up as its own calnader in the sidebar with its own color the way all the others, plus Birthdays from Contacts and Holidays show up in the side bar for you dis/enable at will.
  • Apple is paying OpenAI with exposure, not cash

    Interesting. I assumed that OpenAI was paying Apple something to further legitimize ChatGPT and to continue to push it further as the de facto AI search option on the internet.