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  • Apple's core Calendar and Reminders apps can finally talk to each other with iOS 18

    Wonderful! I look forwarding to giving this a try.
  • Elon Musk's latest anti-Apple tirade is about a ChatGPT feature that doesn't exist

    gatorguy said:
    omasou said:
    He’s POed b/c Apple found a way to kneecap X.AI’s monetization model.

    Bet MS/OpenAI pay Apple like Google does for search b/c data sent to ChatGPT 4 will help train their models.
    Data from Apple devices will not be used to train OpenAI’s models.  If it did, then Musk would have a point.  You don’t want queries and supporting information that pertains to you’d business secrets being added to a 3rd-party commercial LLM model.  And so Apple’s deal with OpenAI explicitly excludes that capability. 
    Does it include anonymized and aggregated user data collections, which Apple does not consider to be "user data" anymore and is not covered by Apple privacy policies, or just personally identifiable data? I don't remember that question being answered, but perhaps it has been. To be clear I would have no issue with the former being shared if it improves the overall results.
    I'm not sure radarthekat understands what omasou is saying. As soon as you say you want to use ChatGPT ten OpenAI will have access to those queries and requests to use to train their system, regardless of how well Apple anonymizes the originator. OpenAI could be paying Apple to be the default just as Alphabet pays Google for internet search. I think we're on the same page here.
  • iOS 18 gives iPhone 15 more charging limit tiers to protect the battery

    I wish they'd allow this in macOS. I use a 3rd party app to maintain my Mac's battery health.
  • macOS Sequoia brings iPhone remote control and new Passwords app

    MplsP said:
    Xed said:
    Lots of great features but unfortunately the password app won't do me or my family any good. It's just too simple with only a Notes section for additional info, and I don't suspect that Apple will be making it more feature robust in the foreseeable future.

    I couldn't tell from the brief preview they gave. What additional information are you referring to? Pictures? Seriously hoping the password app will let me ditch my 3rd party apps.
    I do have images in some 1Password entries, like the front and back of my state issued ID in the Drivers License section because sometimes I need to send that to some organization and sometimes I don't have my physical wallet when I need to scan it in a grocery store to buy alcohol. I also have PDFs in there for various things, like an operations manual for an appliance, but mostly "additional info" refers to being able to add sections within an entry with a title and info. Here are many reasons why Apple's solution isn't good enough for me...

    With the state issued ID I have created info for when it was issued, when it expired, all the various data on the card. The same for my passport. For the aforementioned appliance, I have the manual as a PDF under it instead of lost somewhere in a folder or in a physical drawer, along with the login for the website (if it has one), a link to the model info, when it was purchased, how much and where, warranty info, etc.

    I also have all my bank info and CCs in there. If I lose my wallet I never have t worry that I can't remember all the cards that were in my wallet or try ti find the correct card into or numbers to call to cancel because it's all in my secure password manager. I never have to google for a bank and then work to verify the the number I'm about ti call isn't from a spoofed number from a scam website. 

    There are also Secure Notes that have decent markup tools in 1P. Keychain Access does technically have a secure note feature but it's a chore to access and use in comparison. 

    There are also the issue with URLs for an account. From what I can see it only allows one per login, and yet there are many websites that support multiple. There's also no way to add secret questions w/ answers, PINs, contact info, names, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers in a way that won't simply be jumbled in the Notes section. There's also no good way to keep track of medial info in an organized way.

    I'm sure I'm missing many of the ways in which my digital vault is being used, but that is what I could think of off the top of my head. Maybe you are someone with a single address and phone number with a single bank account and one CC, but my life is considerably more complex and I like that my data is both secure and accessed efficiently because of the feature of 1Password... which I know could be improved drastically to be even better.

    PS: On that topic of efficiency and organization which I didn't see addressed today is Calendar working with Reminders so I can have reoccurring calendar entries that I can also check off without having to edit them individually, adding an emoji, and then choosing to save once and NOT for all future events to show that it was done.
  • Elon Musk's latest anti-Apple tirade is about a ChatGPT feature that doesn't exist

    Samchase said:
    Musk has the ability to predict the future. He is an excellent programmer. I trust him on this one and I can understand why he is worried.
    1) WTF?! You just claimed that he's a prognosticator without any sarcastic reference? If that were even remotely true he surely wouldn't have bought Twitter and he wouldn't have made so many claims about releases that got pushed back over and over again, to just name two general things Musk got and gets very wrong.

    2) So, you trust him about ChatPGT somehow overtaking Apple devices even though it's an opt-in feature and is only for external searching, just like you use Google to search the internet v searching Messages for a passed conversation? Makes sense. 🙄