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  • Apple and Google's cross-platform anti-stalking tracker standard arrives in iOS 17.5

    macxpress said:
    Xed said:
    How exactly do you commenters think that they can be used as they protection where the thief can have possession of the device without being informed -and- also keep these from being used by stalkers? I don't see how, and I'm guessing Apple doesn't either (not to mention the issue of liability of you tracking down stolen items) which is probably why Apple has never marketed them as "help me get my stolen shit back" devices.

    If you really want an anti-theft/pro-stalking device there are countless other products to choose from.
    Maybe Apple doesn't market AirTags as a "get my stolen shit back" device but it's still an excellent use of such a thing and many people use it for just this. I have one in my vehicle for just this case. I don't wanna pay for an additional service when I can use something simple like an AirTag which has already proven to track down people's stolen vehicles. I believe there was even a story here on AI about this very topic.

    Apple should have made it so I have the choice to use it as I want, not how Apple and Google want me to use it. I as the owner and user of the AirTag should be able to disable this anti-stalking protection should I want to and use it like it was before iOS 17.5. It should be enabled by default with the option to disable. That way if the user doesn't know anything about the anti-stalking feature they don't have to know to turn it on to protect them. 
    I use AirTags in my vehicles and other items for this reason, too, but none of that matters in your argument. You have to look it at logically from Apple's standpoint as the one who is selling the product and is liable for it, not just your very narrow PoV that you want to use it in this way and have no intention of stalking anyone.

    If you don't agree with that statement then I'd love for you to  explain to me how Apple can give all customers a choice to use it as an antitheft tracker that will never inform another device that it's with them while also keeping it from ever being used to stalk another human being?

    PS: You lie to claim that you should get to use the device as you want to — and you can, no one is stopping you — but it's Apple's device first and they have a responsibly to their customers and to their bottom line via litigation to consider long before you ever heard of AirTag. They determine how they want it to work. They determine how they want to market it. You, only then, get to determine if you want to purchase their product. If you don't like how they program the device to work then just choose one of the countless other options out there that don't have subscriptions plans and don't inform people that are being stalked. You have options.
  • Apple and Google's cross-platform anti-stalking tracker standard arrives in iOS 17.5

    How exactly do you commenters think that they can be used as they protection where the thief can have possession of the device without being informed -and- also keep these from being used by stalkers? I don't see how, and I'm guessing Apple doesn't either (not to mention the issue of liability of you tracking down stolen items) which is probably why Apple has never marketed them as "help me get my stolen shit back" devices.

    If you really want an anti-theft/pro-stalking device there are countless other products to choose from.
  • Apple apologizes for iPad Pro 'Crush' ad after massive backlash

    ITGUYINSD said:
    debonbon said:
    How some people don’t see how this advert is on the nose is beyond me. Making an ad trying to appeal to creatives by showing all their beloved tools being crushed and replaced by a tablet. I LOVE my iPad Air but I also LOVE my guitars, keyboards, amp etc. It was just really dumb idea and how they didn’t foresee such a reaction is bizarre.
    How many very famous rock bands and guitar players are known for destroying their equipment and smashing their guitars during their shows?  I don't recall the outrage back then.  Plus, Apple didn't destroy anything nor are they suggesting you destroy your beloved guitar.  It was a visual metaphor to show what all an iPad can do.  And a clever one.  I liked it.
    And every new Apple product release there is someone that makes money on page views from seeing if it will blend, plus all the drop tests and other destructive tests that people watch actual devices get destroyed.

    I'm in agreement with you and Apple message seemed obvious to me in the video, but emotion usually outweighs logic for most people so that can't be ignored when it comes to marketing.
  • Apple inching closer to ChatGPT deal with OpenAI

    mpantone said:
    Xed said:
    This could be… standard Apple's procedure!

    When Apple started the iPhone… chips were from Samsung… then their own.
    When Apple started Siri… the speech recognition system was from an external company… now it is its own.
    When iPhone launched… Maps were from Google… now it is its own.
    And so on…
    Is that correct? I recall Apple acquiring the company that offered the Siri app on the App Store and then building it into iOS. I don't recall it ever being an external company when it launched as part of iOS.
    Siri was a standalone app on iOS offered by a third-party developer until that company was acquired by Apple who incorporated it into iOS.

    The 2010 logo represents what the third-party Siri app looked like before its acquisition and integration into iOS.
    Did you even read before posting? You just reiterated what I said. Apple ACQUIRED Siri and integrated it into iOS. They didn't license it and then build an app around their backend like they did with Maps powered by Google. Those are very different things.

    The only atypical aspect here regarding Apple acquiring a company and using its IP is that they kept the same name.The 3rd-party app became built-in service name, when usually it gets folded in and you never hear the acquired company mentioned again.
  • At last Apple is dumping those pointless, wasteful stickers

    Sorry, William, but I’m going to take a moment of grief at the passing of those pointless stickers. I’ve progressively protected worn laptop risers, desks, etc, with each gleeful apple product purchase unboxing. Next, you’re going to celebrate Apple Tech purchases being wrapped in supermarket paper bags…
    According to Apple., the reason is to reduce plastic in their products so at least you picked a paper bag and not a plastic one.