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  • At last Apple is dumping those pointless, wasteful stickers

    cjcoops said:
    Xed said:
    Not the same thing. The leather used in their wallets isn't coming from chicken, pork, or cattle raised as beef or dairy.
    Do you think the dairy & beef industry is throwing away the skins? Seriously?


    "Most leather comes from cows raised for both beefand milk"

    "Buying leather directly contributes to factory farms and slaughterhouses because skin is the most economically important coproduct of the meat industry."

    (I do use leather on my iphone mini case - and use Bestgrip leather grips on my golf clubs)

    ps Pigskin is excellent leather, as is kangaroo amongst many other animal skins.
    1) That's interesting. Thanks. I can't find the source I had read so I have no choice but to assume that I misremembered what I read.

    2) I did read that 80% of leather now comes from China. That could be a reason Apple is wanting to stop using leather. Sure, they still lean on China heavily for production and assembly, but they are trying hard to cut back as they look to toward the future. 

    3) Maybe I'm not fancy enough to want a leather case — I don't even own a  leather  watch band for my Ultra — but I don't think it matters since there are countless options for accessories out there. Perhaps it's mostly about their ROI for this one accessory. If I got to tell Apple one area they should start making products for again, it wouldn't a leather iPhone case, but home routers (and NAS's) running A-series chips and homeOS.
  • Apple's new iPad Pro benchmarks demonstrate impressive tablet AI performance

    globby said:
    What users want to know is, does this mean Apple's dictation will no longer be terrible? That it will finally output that makes sense grammatically and contextually?

    Or does this just mean it will produce more garbage dictation but much faster than before?
    I suppose if you and one other person want to know this then it's technically "users" but you make it sound like that's the key concern with everyone. Personally, as someone that uses diction often, I can't say that I've ever had an issue with it worth remembering. I even still use the original setup of the double tapping of the fn key to initiate dictation  despite macOS and my Mac having a dedicated key on the top row as the default.
  • At last Apple is dumping those pointless, wasteful stickers

    MplsP said:
    They switched from leather to an inferior fabric for their cases out of ‘environmental concerns’ but kept including the useless stickers. There’s backwards logic for you.
    lol nonsense. We know cattle have a huge problem with sustainability, and methane gas (let alone animal sufferin). What data do you offer that supports similar concerns with random paper or stickers? 

    I still think it’s crazy how mad some of you get over a company deciding the animal butchery industry isn’t for them, despite have a marketplace full of choices available to you. “No! Everybody must like everything *I* like! Everyone must share my values!”
    Do they serve meat at their cafeteria?
    Not the same thing. The leather used in their wallets isn't coming from chicken, pork, or cattle raised as beef or dairy.
  • Apple TV+'s 'Ted Lasso' heads to Blu-ray on July 30

    I'd love to see the numbers to see how much profit is generated from Blu-ray sales in 2024. I figure it has to be high or there is some other vector that I'm not yet aware that makes this something a modern, streaming-focused production from a company that is quick to cut old formats agree to offer.
  • Apple's iPad upgrades march Lightning one step closer to death

    dewme said:
    Lightning saved us from the scourge of micro USB long enough to move to a better option. If that’s all it ever gets credit for, that’s good enough for me. 
    I'd argue that even the 30-pin connector saved us from scourge of crappy USB connectors.

    I don't feel that Apple gets enough credit for how they designed and shipped their charging blocks and cables starting with the original iPod to promote longevity and compatibility while also reducing waste. And all this at a time when going to into pretty much any retail store would have a wall or spinner display with phone chargers that all had PSUs attached to cables and varying greatly that even the same vendor could have a dozen different designs to choose from.

    As I remember it, the original iPod  started with no permanently attached cable to the PSU. It was FW400 with FW400 on the original iPod, but with the 2nd generation they had designed and included the 30-pin connector on their devices. With the 3rd generation they made the big push to support Windows with iTunes so they included a USB 2.0-to-30-pin-Connector, but since most WinPCs were still only sporting USB 1.0 which doesn't allow for power the need for the PSU with FW-400 was still a requirement to charge your iPod.

    Those PSUs also had the option to replace the plug end with another country/region's plug adapter or a cabled plug, which I still like to use today, but that's partly because of how some plugs when traveling are loose which results in the PSU falling out or even being in the way on airplanes. I've donated or recycled all my 5W PSUs — which I'm glad Apple no longer offers in box — but I still have the 10W and higher PSUs with the removable plug adapter for other uses, but those are also reaching EOL for my needs after 2 decades.