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  • Some users are randomly getting locked out of their Apple ID accounts

    I wonder if this related to whatever migration they're doing with Apple Accounts.
  • Apple's generative AI may be the only one that was trained legally & ethically

    Xed said:
    Looks like excuses have already started.
    Ethics are an excuse for what exactly? Being responsible?
    No. For the failure it is going to be. 
    Let it fail before you make such claims. The iPhone was a failure to many people even after it launched. Would you claim it's a failure now?

    Xed said:
    This site should be called applerumors.com or something similar. 

    Here, we get a lot of news containing „may“, „might“ etc. 

    Apple is searching for an excuse here. 
    An excuse for what exactly?

    An excuse for pushing the AI agenda. Judging at the current consensus regarding AI art, Apple's effort might end up in vain, even if what they claim is true. The people will still continue to associate AI with plagiarism and art theft. And the people will still readily boycott Apple's AI despite the facts. 
    Now there's an AI agenca? JFC! Next you'll tell us that we've always been at war with East AI.
  • Congo demands that Apple prove iPhone doesn't use conflict materials

    hexclock said:
    The sad thing is that we have many of these minerals and metals here in the US, but the climate crazies won’t let us mine them. They want to switch everything to electric but seem to ignore the vast increase in mining that this will require. We can’t source these mineral here, so it’s inevitable that these materials will come from warlords and child labor. 
    That's not even remotely accurate. Accepting that climate change is real in no way means you are against mining or drilling for oil or any other weird narrative you've come up with.
  • Apple's generative AI may be the only one that was trained legally & ethically

    Legal & ethical? It’s so alarming. A “legal” LLM model from CCP washes1.4 billion brains; a “balance” LGBTQ-ethics would reckon a tran-woman a woman; and whose god is “they” ( because you cannot use he or she anymore.) “What is a man and what is a woman” becomes an Apple-controlled answer. The best and only way is to give iPhone user to choose and install. 

    Besides “upgrade” means replacement, LLM is being manipulated from Large Language Model to “Language Learning Model” in Apple’s terminology.  Can we trust Apple?
    Well that was a lot of nothing.
  • Congo demands that Apple prove iPhone doesn't use conflict materials

    It's probably fairly easily to lie and forge documents so I'm all for 3rd-parties pressing big tech companies to prove what they claim is true. If they aren't true — which could be news to them — then this will ultimately force them to do better.