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  • Apple announces April 20 special event - iPad Pro, AirTags expected

    A month behind schedule.  Better have either a iPad Mini and/or better yet iPad Mini Pro!
    You mean, a month behind *your* foot-stamping, must be gratified now schedule. Clarification is important. 
  • Kuo: Mini LED iPad Pro enters production in April, OLED iPad Air in 2022

    AppleZulu said:
    “Noted Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo expects...”

    Seriously, are you contractually obligated to pump Kuo’s reputation when citing his reports? It’s just weird, especially when so many of his supposedly “highly accurate” predictions are revisions and corrections to his past (and now apparently not so highly accurate) prognostications. 
    Making revisions about prior statements is something that analysts do when they get more information. They don't simply say "it is X" and walk away, never to return. 

    And if one wants to bib-dribble about quoting the same person, that's more of an issue with this person named John Prosser, who is regularly quoted in multiple blog entries on this site. 
  • Ongoing & enormous Microsoft Exchange server hack hits 30,000 US groups

    lkrupp said:
    cg27 said:
    mac_dog said:
    cg27 said:
    The Chinese should be embarrassed of their blatant stealing.
    And shame on us for being so naive.
    The Chinese have defeated the US as far as their economy and I’m sure their embarrassed. 

    If we could get our congress to stop reading Dr. Seuss and playing with children’s toys, we might not need to worry about it. 
    Last I checked the Chinese don’t use GAAP accounting standards and have a lot of shady investments going on.  Also, of their 1.4B people, probably 1B are living hand to mouth, in very polluted air and water, not to mention in a totalitarian regime.  Hardly what I would consider a great economy, let alone a great place to live.  No thanks.
    But many right here in these forums think China is the greatest thing going, and any questioning of China’s motives is just sour grapes and racist. 
    One can criticize China heavily without resorting to saying how poor and sh*tty their country is and being defensive about racism, as both of you just did. 
  • 'Bark worse than the bite' in EU Apple antitrust probe, analysts believe

    They want government to level the playing field and then leverage that to gain advantage...
    Because unfettered capitalism is what you want, right? That's where a company can charge whatever they want and do so in a manner that doesn't give YOU, the consumer, any advantage at all but to pay whatever the company demands of you. Have fun with that.

    I'm enjoying the comments from the would-be disciples of the Free Market bib-dribble and spoon-clang about how mean and unfair this all is, while in some other comment forum, they've complained loudly about Adobe's "unfair" practice of making you have a subscription to use their products and walled gardens and such. Sound familiar? 
  • Apple has taken steps to eradicate mysterious malware strain

    lkrupp said:

    But this is perfectly understandable considering Apple’s constant virtue signaling regarding safety, security, privacy. When you pound you chest like Apple does you invite scrutiny and ‘gotcha’ journalism.
    That is not what "virtue signaling" is if that your standard business practice, but you do you. 