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  • A lament for the Touch Bar

    Physical brightness and volume control keys are way better than the touch bar. 

    No one has time to have customized features for each app on the touch bar - even apps I use most often, I end up learning the 2 or 3 most important keyboard shortcuts to become super efficient - the touch bar can't compete with that, it's always going to be slower, because it requires me to look down from whatever I am looking at on the screen, to the bar, then figure out what to push, carefully, so I don't miss, then look up again. 

    Add to that a slight delay on the touch bar that was surprising but never went away.... touch bar for some reason was slower than an iPhone screen (no delay). 

    In the end it wasn't useful for anything I was doing, when I tried using it it was very slow and error-prone. 

    One of the few failures in product design Apple made - why anyone thought this would be useful is beyond me. 

    All of which could maybe be forgiven if it didn't _replace_ useful functions I use every day, like brightness and volume buttons ... I just counted besides brightness, volume, escape, and power/touch, there's 7 more buttons I never use - replacing those with a touch bar would be OK, since I don't use them anyway. 

    But replacing crucial features with something much worse - very bad idea, hated it. I had a MBP with touch bar for 1 year. 
  • Magic Mouse, Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad didn't get USB-C -- but it's still coming

    These use "lightning" like older iPhones? Strange. 
  • Twitter imposes limits on readable tweets to beat 'scraping'

    Government censorship apparatus apparently scraping Twitter day and night to analyze trends, and combat them with their bot armies. 

    Any truth the government doesn't like appears, they take counter measures that's how they got 22M Tweets banned for "misinformation" back when Twitter was still under Jack's control.

    You guys really need to read the Twitter files to realize how badly the government was interfering with free speech - and no, it's not "a private company can do whatever it wants". Not when said private company works closely together with government task groups who actually set up an AI based censorship mechanism to remove all information that didn't fit the narrative presented in mass media. 

    It's all out there. There is proof. Plain as day. What everyone considered conspiracy theories a few years ago was actually happening on a mass scale in the 2020ies...

    Ministry of Truth should be a bit of a giveaway for those who've read "1984". There is no difference between the behavior of the US government and those they like to criticize, Russia, China, North Korea - all have repressed information, all label said information "misinformation", all pretend to censor said information "to protect the people". And so on. 

    An interesting take on the scraping was - the ones screaming the loudest about this will be government agencies who use Twitter for creating their AI models for narrative control. Other social platforms are private, so Twitter was their go-to. 
  • Meta slapped with record $1.3 billion fine over EU-US data transfers

    These regulations and their tyrannical enforcement look like they are for you, the EU citizen. 

    But actually, they're against you - they're just the government adding more tools to its tool belt to issue fines and bring corporations in line. 

    It's a power grab, all done under the disguise of serving the people. 

    The corrupt, unelected government of the EU only acts to perpetuate its own power. 

    Of course when they strike against Meta, everyone cheers - but when it turns out we can't have small independent businesses anymore because these government bureaucrats can use the law against any of them any time, we realize that this was always created to centralize power, to give more power to government, and to also - ironically - give the internet giants more power. 

    Facebook has 100M to fight this in the courts and another 100M to settle, or even more. No problem! 

    But small startups can be permanently shut down by these laws, and that's why they were in reality created in the first place. 
  • Twitter Inc. no longer exists, now X Corp.

    "Nothing suggests that X Corp. will actually lead to the X app"


    Except Elon Musk publicly stating that Twitter will become X, the everything app. Over and over again. 
