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  • 2014 to 2023: Apple Car has been in the works for almost a decade

    I predict, that when it comes out, the power plug will be incompatible with everyone else's power plug.
  • Apple provides detailed reasoning behind abandoning iPhone CSAM detection

    When we read about systems like this, there's a tendency to imagine a perfect operation - even though our life experience gives us many contrary examples. For example, I'm not sure those always advocating for capital punishment would be so enthusiastic if they were more aware of incorrect incorrect verdicts (people proved innocent later by DNA testing or confusion by the real criminal) often because of fraudulent or incompetent representation.

    There have been stories of families being contacted about possible sexual crimes because they posted facebook photos of their very young children innocently playing naked in a home swimming pool. My personal experience in the work environment - a medical clinic - was once the IT Dept implemented a "sexual content" filter/reporting system, when I or my colleagues were doing work research we'd trigger an alert that required a visit to HR. When looking up information about a dermatologist, the website might feature cosmetic surgery with an example of breast adjustments. The image would trigger the filter/alert.

    Years ago, a local childcare facility had to close down because of accusations of sexual abuse. Turned out, one child was upset they didn't get their way about something and made up the story to "get back" at the care center. Once one report was made, parents of the other kids started questioning them - I'm guessing there was a bit of a FOMO frenzy. Soon there were many reports.  But then, once there was time to do an actual investigation, one by one the accusations were withdrawn. Eventually, the facility was cleared of all wrongdoing. By then it was too late. Newspapers print "leading news" in big bold print. They print "oops - sorry" in small print where space will allow.

    So if you are going to have a system, especially an "automatic" system for detecting bad action, you should have a system just as robust - or more so - for corrections when the "evil detector" gets it wrong. Because that can ruin lives.

  • FTC sues Amazon, alleging users are being tricked into signing up for Prime

    They certainly tricked me. On the way to completing an order, there was a radio button selected for free shipping.  Because my order qualified for free shipping, I left it and moved to the rest of the ordering procedure. But that button was for Prime Free shipping - which would arrive 1 day earlier than the usual Free shipping. AND - leaving that button selected automatically signed me up for Prime!

    Now to be fair, the signup was for a 30-day trial. But I was going to be out of the country and, amazing but true, wouldn't be using Amazon within those 30 days. So I called to have the Prime status canceled and asked if the 30-day offer could be reset so I could consider it on my return. It could not.

    Trust is a fragile thing. I'm sure the marketing department considers themselves very clever. And I'd expect they have statistics showing their antics glean more new customers than they lose. After all, who are you going to buy from if not Amazon?
