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  • Apple must pay EU $14 billion over Ireland tax arrangement

    strongy said:
    cropr said:
    The title is misleading:  Apple must not pay the amount to the EU, but to the Irish government.     The court has decided that the reduced tax rate  must be considered as illegal government aid to a private company.  This illegal aid must be reimbursed to Ireland.    

    Ireland is on apple's side they said as much, i bet you the all the EU wanted was get its hand on all that money at least they don't get any of it.
    Nonsense, this decision was what the EU was asking all along. 
  • Apple must pay EU $14 billion over Ireland tax arrangement

    No worries. The EU will continue to screw itself. Taxing its way out of stalled growth and the strain of maintaining the Euro on partner countries will make it implode. Bet they’ll have fun with Putin when their actions help get the Orange Turd elected again.

    Lol so now if Americans elect Trump it’s Europe’s fault? No, own it, the US is full of fascists (just like the EU). 
  • EU antitrust chief & Apple foe Margrethe Vestager out after 10 years

    rob53 said:
    spheric said:

    tlinn said:
    I will forever be grateful to the Europeans for forcing Apple to adopt USB-C. But the idea that Apple shouldn't be compensated for developing a platform that allows thousands of developers to make a living, or that the "fair" amount of compensation should be decided by developers seems ridiculous to me. Apple is not a charity, nor do they exist to be the world's R&D department. Much of what the Europeans are doing feels like protectionism.

    That said, there are plenty of examples where Apple disadvantages its own customers and stifles innovation—like forcing all browsers to use the same engine. This is where government action should focus. 
    There is no evidence that EU forced Apple to go USB-C as Apple was already heading there. Yes they put it into law, but the market was already forcing Apple to go USB-C. Due to timing, EU got the credit. 
    These statements are so telling: you all think the EU is all about Apple. Fact is, the EU doesn’t give a SHIT about Apple: the USB-C standardisation was about getting EVERYBODY to unify their charging. Apple was already headed there because they aren’t stupid and knew it was coming (and they probably talk regularly with the Commission), having sat out the horrific micro-USB suggestion. 

    The EU rightfully gets the credit for kicking everybody into supporting a single standard — they’d already been working with various manufacturers for a decade before Apple finally switched their iPhones, as well. 
    Why does everybody have to unify their charging standard? Europe has all kinds of electrical "standards" so why don't they adopt America's standard? There's no way America will adopt any non-American electrical standard. This is the EU having a double standard. They want to keep their standard and force others to adopt theirs even if it's inferior to others. How many electronic products are actually developed by the EU? Not anywhere near the number developed in the USA yet the EU continues to force American companies to do the stupid things the EU demands they do. 
    Because American electrical standards are dumb. You take out the plug and you can touch the two metallic pieces, whereas in Europe they are covered by plastic to avoid that. And American plugs can’t stay plugged properly because they are so badly shaped, the tiniest pull from the side moves the plug. Medieval tech. 
  • Apple released the iMac 26 years ago and it's better than ever

    I disagree with the comment about it being not cheap. At a certain point a few years back Apple sold the 5K iMac at a similar price of what other companies sold 5K displays alone, no computer attached. 
  • Leak shows rumored bronze titanium iPhone 16 Pro

    I remember the ad where Apple mocked the brown Zune. This is the same color. 