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  • EU has very serious issues with Apple, says competition chief

    Apple tried to play clever by following th e law to the letter and ignoring the spirit of the law, which the EU made very clear. Everyone following this story understood but Apple pretended like they didn’t, which is really an insult to anyone’s intelligence and a big FU to the EU. Of course the EU doesn’t care these games and rightfully they will simply fine Apple, a lot. Apple played with us and is about to find out. 
  • Apple plans slimmest iPhone 17 & MacBook Pro designs following iPad Pro success

    Apple is working on a new generation battery. 

    That’s how they’ll make the devices thinner.  
  • How Control Center's new design in iOS 18 makes it faster to use and customize

    I’ve chosen two pages. 

    - top page with network settings. 

    - bottom page with music controls on top and multiple non-network settings. 

    I chose this order because I initially put the music controls on the top but then I would swipe to leave control center and instead it would swipe to the bottom page. Since control center remembers which page was last opened I can put music controls on the bottom and have them appear first when I need them. If I need network settings that I seldom use, I can swipe on the control center page. 
  • Siri for iOS 18 to gain massive AI upgrade via Apple's Ajax LLM

    dutchlord said:
    Does that mean Siri suddenly understands Dutch? If not, any “massive upgrade” has zero value for me and Siri remains switched off like the past few years.
    No offense but this is somewhat niche… 
    So much stuff is niche until it isn’t. We are still waiting for Apple News in non-English speaking countries! 
  • iPhone 16 Pro rumored to get hugely better ultra-wide sensor & optical zoom

    mike1 said:
    kmarei said:
    just please give me anything that is not camera related.
    it seems that's the only thing they keep focusing on
    2 cameras. now 3 cameras, now 4 cameras
    we are not all professional photographers. 
    i take pics i usually see on my iphone screen or on my ipad
    i don't need terrapixel quality with 99x optical zoom , and carl zeis diamond quartz lens
     with a huge camera bump on the back that makes the phone rock when i put it on a table

    Good that you don't need to upgrade then. For many of us, the camera is the single most important feature and a core function of the phone. And yes. We look at photos on screens far larger than an iPad and sometimes want to high-quality prints. In addition, any improvement to the optical zoom would be greatly appreciated.
    For most of us, the ability to run messaging apps is the core function of the iPhone. 