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  • Apple Pencil Pro casts a fake shadow based on which tool you're using

    Yes, Jobs excelled at having all Apple products have some spark of magic and delight, even if it were only small details. Every Apple product needs one small touch like this, and we need to see more. 
  • New Music & audio enhancements plus a mysterious 'Passthrough' feature are coming at WWDC

    Luckily readers explain this better. Pass through for Spatial Audio indeed makes no sense. Spatial Audio has nothing to do with sound passing through anything. 

    But it’s a nice article nonetheless because you have exclusive info. Thank you 
  • Samsung's half-hearted attempt to capitalize on Apple's Crush ad misses the point

    Indeed these Samsung ads against Apple are almost always (always?) pathetic. They are first degree answers that add no creativity of their own. Samsung creating an ad for something most people won’t even know is sad. Most people will ask what this ad is about. 
    killroywilliamlondonBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Judge questions Apple's commitment to App Store payment alternatives

    jdw said:
    The following article summary say it all more clearly...

    Judge Gonzalez Rogers frequently expressed frustration and skepticism while questioning Matthew Fischer, the Apple executive responsible for the iPhone app store. Her questions conveyed concerns that Apple's compliance efforts were more focused on protecting its profits than facilitating more accessible access to alternative in-app payment options, as her order intended.

    "We are running a business," Fischer remarked.

    The judge is wrong.  Fischer is right.

    Apple has every right to earn profits, exactly as it has been doing.  Some Apple developers are simply wanting judges to take away more profits from Apple so those profits can be handed over to themselves.  These loudmouthed developers have been working hard over the past few years to convince judges like this one that Apple isn't deserving of all the profits Apple works so hard for.  There's nothing that is overly complex or confusing to the consumer.  If anything, intelligent consumers who hold AAPL stock are rewarded every quarter when Apple pays them a dividend.  The only confusing thing is why so many in seats of power want to shift profits from Apple to a select few loudmouthed developers.  It really doesn't benefit the consumer at all in the end.

    One thing rings true.  If you work hard to build a successful business, a lot of seedy people will target you.  Some in seats of power, like this judge, will harm the business in the name of consumer advocacy.  In the end, businesses that survive these never-ending attacks must fight with all their might.  But the more they fight, the more cost they incur, and the more consumers end up paying in the end. 
    That Apple helped developers become visible doesn’t mean Apple deserves to receive money from the developers’ hard work forever. 
    Anyway this discussion is now revolved because Apple has to let developers access outside payment systems, and all over the world. 