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Apple Vision Pro could launch in Japan very soon
At 155 Yen to the Dollar?
It was as recent as 2021 when the Yen was 105 Yen to the Dollar, and it has long been accepted that the right balance is about 110 Yen to the Dollar. If you calculate the average exchange rate from 1993 to Oct. 2021, it works out to be 108 Yen to the Dollar, so it's been right about that 110 Yen to the Dollar balance for the last 30 years (about as long as I've lived in Japan).
If you get paid in Yen and live in Japan like I do, your life is largely accustomed to that 110 Yen to the Dollar balance. When the exchange rate quickly becomes 155 to the Dollar (what it is today in early May 2024), a good number of things suddenly become 41% more expensive, especially imports. And Japan imports a lot from overseas, including most of its energy, and Apple products too.
So if you think people in the US aren't buying VISION PRO in droves due to the high cost primarily, imagine a VISION PRO that suddenly gets 41% more expensive, transforming that $3,499 into $4934. How eager are you to pay $4934, even if you are someone with a fair amount of disposable income? That is what Japan faces with a VISION PRO in 2024. I'm surprised the article made no mention of this important fact.
We can talk all day about why the Yen is so weak, but there is substantial speculation that the Yen will weaken to 160 or more later in the Yen, especially if the Bank of Japan doesn't raise interest rates. (It seems the BOJ has been taking action to boost the Yen by massive purchases of the Yen very recently, but it hasn't had a huge impact on strengthening the currency.) If Japan does raise rates, national debt and corporate debt become issues. Don't listen to all the talk about how exporters in Japan are in paradise right now.
There are many issues that Japan faces, and new expensive items introduced to this market couldn't come at a worse time for consumers. -
How to connect to FTP servers in macOS using modern apps
Glad to see Panic's Transmit, formerly Transit, sitting at No.1. It truly is the top FTP client on my Macs and has been for decades.
Note that you can find very old versions for 68K and PPC Macs on Macintosh Garden here:
Gaming and AI are in Mac's future, even with low memory capacities
auxio said:jdw said:Sorry, but all the defenses of Apple on this are total poppycock. I'm a huge defender of Apple, and have been since 1984. People who go around doing nothing but trashing Apple are trash themselves. But let's face it, folks, RAM is one area Apple has ALWAYS failed the consumer on. Apple Silicon and RAM efficiency talk is garbage. What matters is PRACTICAL USABILITY. Does somebody online talking about efficiency magically make 8GB good enough for YOU? No. No, it does not.
The big problem is that every application you use is web, web, web these days. ...it leads to all the bloat and overhead which requires more memory and CPU power.
I guarantee that if you can stick to native applications outside of a web browser, you'll find you'll rarely (if ever) hit the limits of the average computer...
Folks, as I said in my previous post, people like "auxio" are spewing poppycock. My understanding of engineering details or lack thereof does NOT magically make my daughter stop calling me for support of her 8GB RAM M1 MBP because "magically' after reading the magical post by auxio, she now has a usable machine. No, it's not a matter of "she's holding it wrong!" It's only after talking to me and hearing my advice about running only a single app at a time, like we did in 1984, does she have a usable machine. And no, she's not running Chome or "web, web, web" either. She DOES indeed "hit the limits of the average BASELINE RAM computer from Apple because that RAM is only 8GB." ENGINEERING DETAILS matter nothing. What matters is PRACTICAL USABILITY FOR THE USER! If you are satisfied with 8GB of RAM, great for YOU! But your great experience doesn't magically translate into a great experience for others. And to suggest we "hold it like you're holding it" (a throwback to the iPhone 4 days), is ridiculous.
We should all be able to buy the baseline RAM and STORAGE and get practical usability out of the machine for at least a year without running up against out of memory errors, serious slowdowns or the inability to run apps. And to say the consumer is the one in the wrong because they didn't pay extra (above their budget) for overpriced extra RAM and overpriced extra STORAGE is, as I said in my earlier post, nothing more than a Cupertino-worshipper talking, not your friend.
A Cupertino-worshipper is a largely mindless person who loves Apple and who preaches whatever Cupertino preaches at any given time. To the worshipper, it's Gospel. So if Apple is preaching butterfly keyboards, a Cupertino-worshipper defends that choice and bashes anyone who doesn't love butterfly key switches, playing down all problems associated with the tech. When Apple removed the SD card slot, those same worshippers ran in droves to this very forum to defended that stupid choice. Then when Apple changed out the keyboard and restored the slot, those worshippers fell silent on those issues, but they now have come roaring back defending 8GB of baseline RAM.
Cupertino-worshippers are crazy, and sadly, they are perpetually founding in forums like this one. So just be on your guard when you come across them. They are in greater numbers than you think. And even though they are "crazy ones," they do not change the world, as the Apple slogan goes. If anything, they fight against change, and that's the very problem that keeps 8GB as the baseline RAM in current Macs, even now in 2024. -
Gaming and AI are in Mac's future, even with low memory capacities
Sorry, but all the defenses of Apple on this are total poppycock. I'm a huge defender of Apple, and have been since 1984. People who go around doing nothing but trashing Apple are trash themselves. But let's face it, folks, RAM is one area Apple has ALWAYS failed the consumer on. Apple Silicon and RAM efficiency talk is garbage. What matters is PRACTICAL USABILITY. Does somebody online talking about efficiency magically make 8GB good enough for YOU? No. No, it does not.
I purchased an M1 MacBook Air with that "efficient" 8GB of RAM for my daughter as she entered college 3 years ago. (I knew she would need more storage space than the default too, so I ordered 512GB of SSD space.) I based that 8GB decision largely on what others were saying and based on my own online research about have special "unified memory" is. Skip forward a few months and one of the biggest issues she's had is with inadequate RAM, and I've had to spend a lot of time with her to bring her so-called "modern" Mac back to 1984 days. That's right, I've had to tell her to launch only a single app at a time. Remember those days when you could only do that with System 1.0 all the way up to MultiFinder? Well, it's back in a different form today. When your 8GB Mac slows to a crawl or has apps that exit due to inadequate RAM, you have to quit all apps but the RAM hungry one you need to run, and then and only then your 8GB RAM-constrained M1 Mac starts to work well.
Having had that ridiculous experience with my daughter's M1 MBA, when my son needed a new Mac for school, I purchase him the current Air out at the time, which was an M2 13" MBA, but this time I didn't play the idiot consumer. I spent extra money so it would come with 16GB RAM, and I also ordered the more reasonable 512GB storage too. Guess what? Not a single memory issue, and he uses pretty much the same apps his older sister does. That practical experiences takes everyone who defends 8GB of RAM and kicks them square in the fanny.
Moral of the story? Don't listen to Apple. Don't listen to Cupertino-worshippers in Apple-centric forums like this one. Listen to practical experiences from people like myself who have loved and known Macs for years. And consider well you will likely need more RAM than you think, either immediately or soon down the line. And that more RAM means anything more than 8GB.
Full disclosure, I am against all these crazy and pathetic lawsuits against Apple, especially because I am an AAPL investor. I want to see Apple succeed because I believe in Tim Cook, Apple engineers, their design team, and their great products. I laugh every single time I hear the name EPIC or Merrick Garland because these idiots are seeking to trash Apple and force it to do things that really don't positive impact me as a consumer much at all. However, nobody is trying to force Apple to put more usable amounts of RAM and storage in its baseline products. I guess you can argue it's impossible to do that in a free market society, so oh well. But let's face it, too little RAM is what we've been faced with since the 128K Mac, and it needs to change. And while not as important, I think the same is true of baseline storage too. The manufacturing cost differential between 8GB vs. 16GB RAM and 256GB vs. 512GB of storage in 2024 is so insignificant that Apple is totally insane for charging all the money it does for those RAM and storage upgrades, especially so on machines that cannot be consumer-upgraded after purchase. Yes, my friends, Apple can still be a wildly profitable company even if they start offering 16GB of baseline RAM and 512GB of storage, and nothing less than that.
I love Apple and its products, but RAM and STORAGE amounts are as infuriating as the mindless people who defend "8GB is enough." But I say, efficiency be darned! Give us more RAM and STORAGE in baseline product models! And bump baseline iCloud storage from 5GB to at least 15GB too. It's 2024 for crying out loud! -
Apple's big WWDC 2024 announcement may be an AI App Store
Merrick Garland's take:
"Our beloved and caring DOJ is appalled Apple continues to make money on Apple stores, now with AI. Whenever Apple comes out with something new, consumers pay higher prices. The DOJ cannot stand by and let this happen. Using every blood-sucking attorney at our disposal, the DOJ will work hard to ensure Apple makes as little profit as possible so that consumers are not harmed.
—The DOJ. When you make it big, we come after you."