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  • Manhattan DA's office says it has 423 uncracked Apple devices in evidence room

    As I once saw on a T-shirt: When encryption is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl

  • Google self-driving car bears 'some responsibility' in accident for first time ever

    hike1272 said:
    I guess google will have to program the ability to dispute a ticket with their cars.  If corporations are people, then cars are people too!
    I'm sure these cars are going to have lots of recording equipment - both sensors and video.  Otherwise it will be a human driver's word against ... nothing.  Google won't want the liability and the passenger in the driver's seat certainly won't.

    With a solid record of the incident, there's plenty of evidence for insurance companies (and a court, if necessary) to review and come to a decision.  And possibly a better one than would be reached if it was two human drivers and a lot of possibly-inaccurate testimony.
    mcarlingjaker's ugly brotherjony0
  • Former NSA director opposes iOS backdoor, but leans towards FBI in iPhone unlock debate

    And let's not forget that Apple's compliance isn't going to help the government catch terrorists either.  They might be able to get something off of this phone, but as soon as it becomes clear that Apple can be threatened into cracking iPhones, the terrorists will simply switch over to using an encryption product not made by Apple.  There are tons available all over the Internet available for every computing platform that exists.

    What will the government do then?  Outlaw all forms of encryption?  Which will simply cause the criminals and terrorists to use illegal software.  So they'll be nice and secure while the law-abiding population no longer has any privacy.

    Of course, there are plenty in Washington who want exactly that, even though they are loudly insisting otherwise right now.
  • Apple lodges challenge to UK digital surveillance bill, rails against weak encryption

    jsmythe00 said:
    Apple can't do it alone. They need their customers to stand with them. How many of us actually are?

    Suppose the UK refuses to change its stance?  Then Apple has two choices - comply or stop selling product in the UK.  If they do the latter, don't you think the public would be (justifiably) outraged?  If Apple is good at communicating their reasons, and gives suitable warning, I think the bulk of that outrage would be directed against the government and not at Apple.
    yuck9 said:
    So when the USA Passes a law then Apple just drops the US as well huh ? Get Real.
    And that's the real danger.  But I think the backlash in the US would be even greater.  And Congresscritters also love their iPhones.

    This is a dangerous game to play, no matter what side you choose to be on.  But if you just go passive and accept everything the government mandates, then it's game over.
    Stupid blaming the Conservatives. Labour were just as bad, I'd say worse at eroding our personal freedoms. It's just that the Marxist rags such as Guardian don't pick up on it.
    I don't know about the UK, but it seems the same here in the US.  Both parties support iron-fisted dictatorship.  They just disagree over who gets to be dictator.

    Those who want to greatly reduce the power of government (including, but not limited to the so-called "tea party" conservatives) are hated and attacked by both Republicans and Democrats and nearly all news outlets.