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  • US Treasury takes last stab at deterring tax judgment against Apple & Ireland

    Monday, August 29, 2016 - 08:13 am

    The EU has branded Apple's tax deal with Ireland "illegal".

    The ruling from the European Commission which is to be made public in the coming days is expected to put pressure on the Revenue Commissioners here to pursue Apple for back taxes.

    However, it is reported that the money would be held in an escrow bank account while appeals are made by both the Irish Government and Apple.

    The European Commission considers the tax deal illegal state aid.

    Irish Government officials are on standby to appeal the negative finding and Fianna Fáil is ready to back such an appeal, but it remains to be seen if members of the Independent Alliance will follow suit.

    The Irish Independent reports that these TDs will be given a special briefing before the ruling is announced.

    If the EU rules that Apple was given a "sweetheart deal" the US firm will be required to repay billions in back taxes to the Irish state.

    Fiscal rules dictate that a windfall payment would need to be used to repay public debt.

    The article seems very confident of what the Commission report will contain.

  • Inside Apple's 2016 MacBook Pro: Graphics processing unit choices

    I thought we were in the "Post-Desktop" and "Post-Laptop" age and iPads were supposed to replace them...
    We aren't, that was just marketing propaganda and fanboyism.
  • Sources: iPhone 6 series 'touch disease' now accounting for about 11% of Apple Store repairs

    jungmark said:
    cnocbui said:
    drewys808 said:
    tmay said:
    sog35 said:

    I would fire Tim Cook personally, I know that isn't a popular opinion.  

    Lessons to learn, sure, but I'm not seeing anyone that should be fired, especially not Tim Cook.
    Not sure how to diagnose Sog...passive/aggressive, dual personality, lost shirt playing AAPL stocks?

    Was just a couple days ago:
    sog35 said:
    I like Cook.

    get. help. seriously.

    Just block him. He adds nothing but "Fire Cook". 

    Have a 6, haven't experienced this issue. Hope they find the cause. 
    I have never blocked anyone.  I am open to points of view that differ from mine.
  • US Treasury takes last stab at deterring tax judgment against Apple & Ireland

    sog35 said:
    Its pathetic how all these euro's are chomping at the bit to get some welfare from Apple.

    So pathetic.

    Says a guy living in the worlds wealthiest country in a state that incarcerates 1000 people per 100,000 of population to a guy living in a country that incarcerates only 82.  Perhaps if you spent a bit more on welfare and assistance for the disadvantaged you wouldn't have 20% of the worlds prison population from just 5% of the worlds population.

     In a list of the worlds 10 most livable cites, none are in the US, but 3 are in the EU.

    In life expectancy, you are 26th.  18 of the countries with a greater life expectancy than the US are in the EU, 19 if you want to count Switzerland.

    Ranked by happiness, the US is 15th.

    So 8, if you include Switzerland, of the countries ahead of the US in this metric are in the EU.

    Now looking at expenditure on social welfare, which you seem to imply as a European proclivity and a bad thing:

    (edited for clarity 2014)

    Looks like you were right, EU countries do spend more on social welfare than the US, but when you look at 'life' in the EU vs the US, it's impossible to draw a conclusion that the EU is worse off as a result of that expenditure, to put it mildly.

    Once again, all you and the 'close' cousin can think of is the money and that all this is about the money, because all we care about in the EU is the money.   From my perspective this is about the righting of on inequity.
  • Sources: iPhone 6 series 'touch disease' now accounting for about 11% of Apple Store repairs

    drewys808 said:
    tmay said:
    sog35 said:

    I would fire Tim Cook personally, I know that isn't a popular opinion.  

    Lessons to learn, sure, but I'm not seeing anyone that should be fired, especially not Tim Cook.
    Not sure how to diagnose Sog...passive/aggressive, dual personality, lost shirt playing AAPL stocks?

    Was just a couple days ago:
    sog35 said:
    I like Cook.

    get. help. seriously.
