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  • Samsung's new Galaxy Note 7 largely incremental, except for iris scanner

    First, please no making the iris scanner such a huge deal merely because Apple is implementing one next year. Several Android devices already have iris scanners, including even ZTE, a budget device maker, who introduced one in 2015. Qualcomm put iris scanning support in their SOCs awhile ago, so I have no idea why it is taking so long for the device makers to enable the feature in their phones.

    Second, I am sick of Samsung. They are lily-livered cowards. Their first design proposals are often really interesting and boundary-pushing stuff, and then they get scared, retreat and just release iterations. They wait until Motorola, LG, Huawei, Google, Asus or Apple implements it instead, and THEN they put the idea that they kicked around into the next phone.

    Their first proposal for the Galaxy Note 7 (Galaxy Note 6 at the time) was awesome. It was going to be 6' (or 5.9'), have 6-8 GB of RAM, dual boot Android and Windows 10, and come with a laptop dock where the USB Type C port would connect to a keyboard, the MHL out in the USB Type C would drive the laptop screen, and the CPU and OS would reside on the phone. But like Samsung always does, they whittle it down, whittle it down until now the Galaxy Note 7 is basically just a bigger Galaxy S7 Edge.

    The funny thing: other companies are now implementing their own versions of what Samsung was RUMORED to be doing with the Galaxy Note. A $99 laptop dock for an Android phone has passed $1 million on Kickstarter and is on the verge of reaching their stretch goals. And a Chinese company named Akyumen is marketing a Holophone that will dual boot Android and Windows 10, and will run on an x86 PC CPU, not a mobile SOC. They offer various docking options as accessories, and they have had 1 million preorders for the thing.

    So companies who were motivated by the rumors of what Samsung was going to do came out with products that they thought that they could use to compete with the Galaxy Note. Ridiculous. Maybe Android smartphone fans should buy the competitors' products and leave cowardly Samsung alone.
    I'm not sure I quite follow.  Did Samsung actually state these intentions concerning the Note 7 or was it just a rumour?
  • Biker burned by broken iPhone, seeks to raise battery danger awareness

    maestro64 said:
    eightzero said:
    You cannot fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization rules either. 

    did that make you feel better... Remember no one ever die from a spelling error
    Yes they have.

    Woman dies in surgery after spelling error delays blood supply

  • Apple's latest iPad Pro ad asks, 'What's a computer'

    shev said:
    The MacBook Pro and Mac Pro are computers. You know, those dusty neglected things in the back of the cupboard that you haven't updated for 2 years but still charge $2,000+ for. 
    Neglected?  My old MBP 2010 15" i7 is in use all day, alongside a new 6 Core Mac Pro.  OK,  I have taken out the HD and replaced it with an SSD and maxed the RAM myself but it's still the same, basically an old 15"  i7 MBP.  

    Yesterday I made a clone with CCC of the 6 Core Mac Pro running 10.11.6 onto an external SSD.  Just out of interest I plugged this into my old MBP using a $7 USB3/2 connector and rebooted to the external SSD.  I didn't expect it to work but it did!  No driver issues, no CPU or GPU issues.  Everything worked including all the software.  The only thing I had to do was add the MBP as the second device for Adobe CC account (you are generously allowed to run on two devices, ok compared to Apple's 5 it's a crock but I digress) once done Muse, Photoshop etc. worked fine too.  

    I find it quite amazing that a 6 year old MBP can boot off the exact same drive as a new Mac Pro.  No insult to an iPad, but 'That's a computer!'  Today I'm gong to try the same trick with a clone of the new Mac Pro set up with developer macOS beta 4 and see how that boots on the old MBP.   I'm not holding my breath but fingers crossed.

    My wife and I own four iPads between us (two are older but still run the latest iOS) , so I am not based against iPads, I watch Netflix on my iPad my wife plays Scrabble.  She used a MBA all day for her Real Estate work.

    The point being, yes iOS is getting more powerful, a bigger iPad is great and you can add a keyboard, yay.
     ... but Apple, please keep making and updating those real macOS computers too!  They are worth every penny!
    I think he meant that Apple have neglected them, but you have nailed it. A computer has an OS that allows the user a good deal of freedom to decide what to do and how to do it.  The iPad has the hardware of a computer but not the OS.

    OSX hides the Library folder, but you can unhide it.  Insert an SD card and the control freaks in Cupertino launch that pos Photos app, but you can go into terminal and pull the plug on that and stop it from happening (there should be a control panel setting to disable that nonsense).  You can download and install software from places other than those Apple approves of. The real differentiator is flexibility.
  • Apple touts Japanese job creation, boost to nation's economy

    lkrupp said:
    wizard69 said:
    Now if we could get Apple to focus a bit on production in the USA.  
    Why would Apple want to pay top dollar for the inferior labor force that is available in the USA? The average U.S. citizen can barely read at third grade level. Math is anathema to most Americans, let alone a work ethic. Apple would spend millions on disability and workman’s comp payments while productivity would be non existent. Now if Apple could build fully automated factories in the U.S. they might have a chance.
    It's most likely that most of the processors in your i devices were made in Samsung's Austin factory.  Who work there, fish?
  • Apple adds 100 emoji to latest iOS 10 beta, promotes diversity and gender equality

    It's wild how much hatred is espoused whenever Apple updates the emoji set. And before commenters scream about the perceived trivialness of emojis, just take a moment for the facts to seep through your thick skulls: Emoji are now used in around half of every sentence across social media. Emoji are an emerging language that could soon compete with English in global usage. Emojis are the fastest growing language, in terms of usage, in all of recorded history. 

    Pausing for a moment...
    Ok, with that said, does it not make sense to make this global, emerging language as usual as possible? This means to strive to have inclusion of all people whom have access to the language. Also, it's reasonable to include ethical standards for the Unicode Consortium to correct the language when certain characters, like the gun emoji, have been used widespread as an emoji of hate. Changing it to a water pistol will hopefully curb its popular, prior usage as a means to threaten people.

    Some of you here on AI get way too mad over the simplest to understand things.
    Emojis will be competing head to head with English just after Kanye West receives a Nobel Prize for.... well, anything.